
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January Whole30: Meal Plan Days 11 - 20

As always, better late than never...?

Breakfast for the week is a batch of Apple Streusel Egg Muffins from Practical Paleo.  Days 11 & 12 consisted of leftovers, a Flyers game, and my company holiday party as discussed here.

Saturday (Day 13)
Sunday (Day 14)
Monday (Day 15)
  • Lunch: Leftover burgers & sweet potato
  • Dinner: Oven roasted salmon (topped with olive oil, salt, pepper, and old bay) and broccoli
Tuesday (Day 16)
  • Lunch: Chicken salad (chicken breast seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning, homemade mayo, chopped celery, walnuts, grapes) served over lettuce with leftover broccoli
  • Dinner: Korean Noodle Bowls from Against All Grain (my new cookbook!)
Wednesday (Day 17)
  • Lunch: Leftover Korean Noodle Bowls
  • Dinner: Indian Spiced Pork Loin with Cumin Curry Carrots from Against All Grain
Thursday (Day 18)
Friday (Day 19)
  • Lunch: A light portion of leftovers since I'm participating in a chili cook off later that afternoon.  I'm making my own version of this Paleo Crockpot Chili!
  • Dinner: Leftovers
Saturday (Day 20)
  • Lunch: Whatever leftovers we need to get rid of.
  • Dinner: Most likely going out to Applebee's with my family for my brother's birthday, unless the predicted snow storm alters our plans.  I'll probably stick to a steak and some steamed veggies.  If it looks like we're going to get snowed in, I may brave the crowds at the grocery store on Friday.

Previous meal plans:
Days 1-5
Days 6-10

What's on your menu for the week?


  1. Leah said the Korean Noodle bowls were delicious; I'm going to have to try them!

  2. Holy crap!!!! Your menu looks amazing. The pork lion with parsnips and awesome sauce sounds great. Might have to re create that!

    1. Thanks! Unfortunately, I wasn't super in love with it... which is why I made the awesome sauce haha. The pork was pretty good, but the parsnips ended up kinda bland. Just being honest :)


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