
Monday, April 1, 2013

My April Whole30: Day 1

Day 1 is in the books!



Snacks:  1 bite of Dave's Apple Pie Lara Bar before CrossFit

Workout:  CrossFit On-Ramp Class!  Tonight we reviewed cleans, snatches, and kettlebell swings.  The WOD was 5 rounds of 7 power cleans, 7 box jumps, and 7 kettlebell swings.  I completed it in 6:40 and it was tough!  We finished our On-Ramp Class tonight, now we plan on checking out some of the regular classes before we make any financial commitments, but so far I've really enjoyed it!

Sleep (Last Night): 8.5 hours!

Thoughts:  I felt great today!  I avoided coffee since I felt fine without it.  I was pretty hungry well before lunch, so I probably should've had more for breakfast.

I weighed in at 145.0 lbs this morning, which is a bit more than I expected since I'd been weighing in consistently around 141 (+/- a pound or two) since my Whole21.  I'm assuming the few extra pounds were a direct result of the booze, OJ, pizza, cookies, pita bread, tortilla chips, and chocolate covered preztels I consumed this weekend.  Eek!  While our main meals were mostly Paleo, I definitely didn't restrict myself when treats were presented, since I knew that the Whole30 was on the horizon.  Not the best method, but it happened, moving on!  I'm anticipating my tummy to shrink back to it's post Whole21 size within days.  And yay, because feeling bloated is the worst... am I right?!

So, will tomorrow bring the carb flu?  I know I had it last time.  Only time will tell, but I'm definitely not anticipating feeling fabulous tomorrow.


  1. Carb flu :-( Massive sad face. I have to avoid Lara Bars...they are a food without breaks for me, I ate about 4 in one go a couple of days ago!

  2. I wonder if the "carb flu" won't be as drastic, since you've been through it once. Hmmm. Hope you're feeling fantastic and have a great day! (that larabar is my favorite flavor!!)

  3. Those buffalo chicken boats look delicious! My favorite part of the Whole30 was dropping a ton of bloat in the first 3-4's nice to see some immediate results after a weekend of treats.


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