
Friday, March 29, 2013

April Whole30: Week 1 Meal Plan

It's Friday, thank goodness!  I am so excited to run away to Cape May for the weekend.  But before I go, here's my meal plan for the first week!

My breakfasts will consist of a mix of hard boiled eggs, Lara Bars (check the ingredients, some are compliant, some aren't), fruit, tea, and coffee (only when I'm dragging, not every day).  I'm not a huge breakfast eater, so I will only be eating when I'm hungry.  Hard boiled eggs and fruit may turn into snacks later in the day or sides with lunch.  Additional snacks will be dried fruit, nuts, pickles, garlic stuffed olives, raw carrots, or sometimes a whole avocado to the face :)

  • Lunch: Salad with shrimp, hard boiled eggs, romaine, spinach, red onions, roasted red peppers, kalamata olives, tomatoes, dressed with a mixture of balsamic vinegar, EVOO, and greek spices
  • Dinner: Buffalo chicken boats (cook some chicken in the crockpot all day, shred and combine with some Franks Red Hot, serve in romaine lettuce boats, top with avocado and tomato) with Roasted Cauliflower and Asparagus

  • Lunch: Avocado chicken salad (using chicken from the crockpot) with frozen vegetables (that I will microwave at work)
  • Dinner: I'll be at my parents' house so I'm not sure, I may be able to eat some or all of the meal (especially now that my mom is checking out the Paleo diet!!!!), but if not my back up plan is eggs!

  • Lunch: Buffalo chicken leftovers and frozen vegetables
  • Dinner: Burgers topped with fried onions and mushrooms, plus lettuce, tomato, and pickles, with some grilled asparagus and a sweet potato

  • Lunch: Leftover burgers, asparagus, and sweet potato
  • Dinner: Coconut curry soup (Melt coconut oil in a large pot, lightly saute onions, peppers, mushrooms, add in 1 can coconut milk, 1 can fire roasted tomatoes, 1 cup chicken broth, protein of choice, we'll be using leftover chicken and maybe even some shrimp, add curry powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper, etc to taste, simmer!)

  • Lunch: Leftover soup
  • Dinner: Meatballs (combine ground beef with 1 egg, oregano, basil, salt, pepper, minced garlic, finely chopped onions, maybe some spinach, form into meatballs, bake in oven at 375 for 20-30 minutes, check inside of one for no pink, so easy!) served with mom's sauce (from my freezer, no sugar in that batch!) over spaghetti squash with a side salad

  • Brunch: Veggie omelet (whatever veggies move me at the time)
  • Dinner: Out with my parents at The Local (thinking I should be able to get a compliant meal at this amazing restaurant with a focus on local ingredients)

  • Lunch: Southwestern Frittata (leftovers for bfasts next week)
  • Dinner: Not sure yet (something in the crockpot to have leftovers for lunches next week)

Are you sensing a theme?  I will be eating leftovers for all of my lunches!  To me... that just makes sense, make extra at dinner, lunch is already taken care of, boom!  I'm also a big fan of simple recipes.  I know I will be utilizing my cookbooks, but for the first week I thougth I'd keep it straightfoward and then bust out the books in week 2 to give me something to look forward to.

Are you ready for some homework?  If you're participating in the April Whole30, you need to gather your before data on Sunday!  Take pictures, measurements, and weigh yourself so you have something to compare to at the end.  You may even want to write a little summary describing your goals and how you feel.  I know Sarah told me she wished she'd written down some daily notes to have something to look back on.  I would LOVE to feature your success stories so if you're interested, feel free to shoot me an emailMaybe I can even convince Dave to write a guest post ;)

Well, I'm out of here!  Happy Passover, Easter, or whatever you celebrate.  It's also my mom's bday on Sunday, Happy Birthday Mama!  Have a wonderful weekend.

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Super jealous of your Cape May plans! Have a wonderful time! :)

  2. Yay guest posts and success stories!

  3. I do the same thing, I have dinner leftovers for lunch the next day...I always do that. Love the planning, that's what I'm up to today. I normally do it on Fridays but because it was Good Friday yesterday I've ended up doing it today. Looks like a yummy week :-)

  4. Your meals are SO balanced! I feel like I get in such ruts and start eating the same things over and over. Love your planning :)

  5. I am so happy to see someone else who uses lots of leftovers in meal plans! I have toyed with the idea of sharing a Whole30 meal plan, but I always hesitate because I eat so many leftovers (usually for the original meal and three times after) that I'm not sure people would be interested. Your dinner to lunch method is way better. Looks like you have lots of tasty options and a great plan for your Whole30. Good luck!

  6. Oh my gosh, a NORMAL PERSON MEAL PLAN!! Thank you thank you thank you. Every time I try to find a healthy (paleo/whole 30/clean eating) meal plan, there's this huge list of complicated recipes or foods I've never heard of/don't have easy access to, so this is absolutely refreshing!


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