
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Learning From My Whole21

Coming into the April Whole30, I want to look back and reflect on my Whole21.  Although I had success, I want to do even better this time around.  I know I can improve my experience and results using the knowledge I have now. Here are a few things that I didn't do the first time, that I'm definitely doing in April:

Make a meal plan: I didn't do this last time and I think it would've made my life much easier, plus I'm hoping it will help other people.

Read It Starts With Food: I think it really helps to understand the whys!  Websites and blogs are great, but ISWF is just so clear cut!  I highly recommend it.

Order some items off the internet: I couldn't find some things in my local grocery stores, so amazon was my friend.  I stocked up on shredded coconut flakes (no added sugar) and ghee.  I may also be ordering some Whole30 approved salad dressing.

Expand my cookbook collection: I never understood the point of purchasing a cookbook when there's unlimited resources online, but now I'm a changed woman.  Heather gave me a copy of Practical Paleo in October, and while I was excited to receive it, I didn't really utilize it until January when it became a boredom buster during my Whole21! The recipes are so simple and straightforward.  Today I purchased Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat and I'm very excited to add some new recipes into the mix.

Hide my scale: The program clearly states that you are not allowed to step on the scale (since the Whole30 is about way more than just weight loss) but I completely disregarded this and weighed myself almost every day.  Fail!  This time I'm going to put the scale away.  Out of sight, out of mind!


Follow the Reintroduction Protocol: ISWF recommends a strict reintroduction protocol where you add one thing, then eat compliant for two days, then try another thing, and so on.  This is done to determine exactly how dairy, gluten, legumes, etc. make you feel.  I did not do this at all.  I stuffed my face with everything and anything.  Not only did I feel terrible, but I robbed myself of learning how each food affects me!  It also put me into a spiral of bad food choices.  This time I will do better.

Rally the troops: I'm SO excited that Dave is joining me this time!  Last time I had some support since Holly was doing a Whole30 on her blog (which is really the whole reason I even decided to do one in the first place), but I didn't have someone to fully commiserate with.  This time I'll have Dave, Sarah, and some more people that have told me that they were interested in joining on Facebook.  Hey Facebook friends, I'd looooove to see an official commitment in the comment section below... come on people, humor me with some comments :)  If you're thinking about it, debating joining in, JUST DO IT.  It may be tough, but it's only thirty days and it's so worth it!

I have no affiliations with any of the products in this post, I'm just sharing what I've found to be helpful.

Are you in?!


  1. How the heck did you make it through 3 weeks without meal planning? That will make this time sooooooo much easier for you! It's pretty easy to make salad dressing with flavored vinegars and olive oil, but I can see why you would want to buy it, I looked all over before settling on making dressing. I'm getting excited for your whole30 because I need a buddy doing it!

    1. I did some loose planning, but I wasn't nearly as organized! I'm a fan of balasmic or red wine vinegar as dressing but the boyfriend requested we purchase some compliant salad dressing!

      Yay for support :D

  2. Hey Lady!!!! Here's my official comment that my hubby and I are IN!!!!! Like I told you, we started shopping, printed out recipes, made a meal plan etc. Bring on April 1st!!! Thanks again for all of the inspiration and posts!! =)

    1. So excited for you guys! Good job prepping!

  3. Believe it or not I saw two different brands of ghee in walmart of all places.

    I'm excited to see how everyone's results turn out!

    1. Dang it... oh well, I got free shipping anyway! I also recently found unsweetened coconut in Wegmans in their fancy gluten free/organic/healthy section, but before that I couldn't find it in any of the stores.

  4. Such a great plan! (And yes yes yes commiseration is KEY. HAHA)

    All of your resources are awesome and I think you LOVE Well Fed. The Paleo Pad Thai is exceptional and the Morroccan Dipping Oil has become my favorite salad dressing in life! Whole 30 or note. I really have enjoyed the spice blends in Practical Paleo too. It's so amazing how just trying a new blend or making a new meatball can really be a motivator. Best of luck with the April Whole 30. I wish I was doing one for all the benefits (aaaaaaah, you feel SO GREAT during) but I'm not in a headspace to make the commitment right now. I will live vicariously through you!

    1. Thanks for the comment! You have been such an inspiration :D

  5. I am game if I can take two days off for the wedding. I mean if someone is going to pay 200 bucks a plate I am at least going to nibble. But I of course have not read the book yet so as long as I do not eat cake or bread I am probably pretty good to go.

    Will let you know by tomorrow. I love a game. haha

    1. You make your own rules! I think my friend Sarah is taking a day off (for her son's 1st bday)! The Whole30 website wouldn't exactly approve, but I think you'd still see great results. I kept looking at my calendar thinking there was never going to be a "good time" to do the challenge, so doing something was better than nothing. That's why I only did 21 days the first time.

      The book isn't mandatory, I didn't read it before my 21. The website spells out the program and I'd been reading a lot of Paleo resources anyway, but the book is just really thorough and I find myself thinking "wow this just makes so much sense" while reading it.

      And I agree if I was going to an expensive wedding, I would eat :D

  6. I love Well Fed!! and yes I'm in! I don't know how I could've ever got through my other Whole30s without meal planning...can't wait to follow along on yours :-)

  7. Take two sounds like a great plan! Well Fed is one of my favorite Paleo cookbooks- you definitely won't get bored with those recipes. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

  8. I'm gonna be Whole21-ish! Does that count. I just got my unsweetened coconut flakes from Amazon the other day. I lurves them.

  9. So I posted a comment the day you posted this blog entry, but my comment is here! HRUMPH! Anywho, I'm IN! I think we should make a "April Whole30" Facebook group and invite all the people you know are committing to this one. That way we have a central place to share challenges, successes, food ideas, recipes, links, etc. What do you think? I'm excited for this one. This past month has been a waste and I am TOTALLY ready to stop feeling frumpy and see the weight come off again. okay, I'm rambling now. xoxo Sarah

    1. I hate when that happens. Looking forward to the FB group and doing this one together! I think this round will help to form habits... WE can't fall off the wagon so hard again ;)


Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!