
Sunday, April 21, 2013

April Whole30: Week 4 Meal Plan


Breakfast will be leftovers (tomorrow is apple chicken sausage and a sweet potato fritter), Larabars, fruit, and maybe some hard boiled eggs.  I didn't include Saturday and Sunday in last week's meal plan, so I'll just plop them in here.

  • Lunch: Scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, and mushrooms with some apple chicken sausage
  • Dinner: I ate dinner at a party (raw veggies, fruit salad, olives, some prosciutto wrapped dates, and some deli wraps that I deconstructed and just ate the lunch meat, lettuce, and tomato), but I put a whole chicken in the crockpot doing a lazy version of this recipe for Dave and for lunches later this week
  • Lunch: Cauliflower pizza using this recipe (without the cheese obviously) topped with sausage, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and some salsa, which was ok, but could've really used some cheese!
  • Dinner: Steak on the grill with asparagus and Cinnamon Sweet Potato Fritters from The Ascent Blog which came out amazing!  Definitely adding this recipe to my regular rotation.
  • Lunch: Leftover cauliflower pizza
  • Dinner: Salmon cooked in olive oil, salt, pepper, and old bay, with some roasted brussel sprouts and broccoli
  • Lunch: Out with my coworkers after a meeting
  • Dinner: I have a cheer training meeting so I'll be scavenging at my parent's house.  Last week's random plate of shrimp, avocado, baby carrots, strawberries, and grapes actually worked out great so I'll have something like that, eggs, or maybe a salad.
  • Lunch: Leftover steak, sweet potato fritters, and aspargus
  • Dinner: Cheer practice, eating dinner at my parent's house
  • Lunch: Leftover cumin spiced pork, carrots, and spinach
  • Dinner: ...?
We'll be headed to the beach for the weekend so I'm not exactly sure what we'll be eating.  I'm hoping our friends are down with lots of home cooking.  I'm thinking some eggs and Paleo pancakes (2 bananas, 1 egg, cinnamon mashed together, fried in coconut oil), kabobs on the grill, and as always, a big seafood feast.  Our last trip involved a lot of cocktails, this one will be a bit more low key ;)

This weekend involved a lot of quality time with friends.  I love that no matter how much time passes, I can get together with certain people and just feel like we haven't skipped a beat.  Relationships were nurtured, meals were cooked, and closets were organized.  And I got to see this:

Can I do this on my birthday?

My weekend also involved a lot of feeling like I've been hit by a truck.  CrossFit officially kicked my booty (again on Saturday) and I am so sore!  Ugh, is tomorrow really Monday already?

Want to look back?

How was your weekend? Did you catch up with any friends?


  1. Great plan! Cute kid/cake pic :) The beach trip sounds amazing!

  2. Only if I get to do it on mine.

    Have a great week! Beach sounds like too much fun.

  3. Sounds like you had a great weekend -- and the next one will be even better! Lucky you, getting in some beach time! :)

  4. You have so many delicious meals planned for this week. Cauliflower Pizza Crust is the best--but we never have leftovers. :)

  5. Oh my goodness, that baby is hilarious. Kind of helpful Whole30 inspiration too, because the cake looks a little less appetizing spread all over a high chair. :-P What a cutie!

    Your meal plan sounds delicious. I need to get one of those together for the blog...I think I have promised a w30 meal plan a zillion times and not yet delivered. Glad that it's going well.


  6. I really need to try cauliflower pizza. Alicia has been posting some awesome cauliflower recipes that are telling me I need to get on board!



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