
Friday, April 19, 2013

My April Whole30: Day 19





Sleep (Last Night):  8 hours

Workout:  CrossFit!  To start the class we spent some time working on our front squat.  I maxed out at 85 lbs for 2 reps.  Then we conquered got owned by "Jackie" which was 1000m row, 50 thrusters, and 30 pull ups!  It was one of the hardest workouts of my entire life!  The row wasn't terrible and I finished in 4.5ish minutes.  And then came the thrusters.  Holy shit.  Everyone did 45 lbs... here's a news flash, the 45 lbs probably felt a little bit lighter to the super strong guys in my class!  And 50 is a lot!  I ended up doing them in groups of 5 and I was winded between each set. I felt so strong during these and there may have been some grunting.  And just when you think omg I'm going to die then here comes 30 pull ups.  I did mine with 2 resistance bands but I was still struggling.  These ended being done in groups of 2.  I finished in 16:44.  My arms were so spent that it hurt to hold up my water bottle.  Tomorrow is going to be rough ;)

Thoughts:  I finally ordered some coconut aminos (aka a soy free replacement for soy sauce) on Amazon.  I'd been wanting to purchase some for a while now, but I couldn't find it my local stores.  Since the Well Fed cookbook has a ton of Asian style recipes that all require coconut aminos, I decided it was time to stock up and bought 3 bottles.

Our big Friday night plans were heading over to Heather's house to cook a nice compliant meal!  She gave me Practical Paleo as a bridesmaid gift and I cannot thank her enough.  We made one of my faves from the book, the Lemon Artichoke Chicken because I wanted something simple and quick after CrossFit.  We paired it with some roasted broccoli and had guacamole with veggies for an appetizer.  Everything came out delicious.  I love cooking with friends!

I have no financial ties with any of the products I've linked to, I just want to let you know which products I've been utilizing in the kitchen during my Whole30!

What's the toughest workout you've ever done?


  1. Great job! LOVE guacamole...and I often use it in place of salad dressing, esp. at restaurants! :)

  2. Almost every crossfit wod is the hardest workout I've ever wait...definitely the half marathon. Great day!

  3. Well done in Crossfit! Whenever I hear a WOD recap I oscillate between "Man, that sounds awesome!" and "I'm glad I don't do Crossfit ..."

    Your friends sound way cool, are they doing W30 with you? I bought coconut aminos but I haven't used them much yet, just for some beef jerky I made a while back. It'll be interesting to see what you whip up with it!

    1. The friends from Friday night aren't doing a Whole30, but they're very into veggies and open to trying new things :)

      I've been checking out this Paleo pad thai recipe in Well Fed, but I'll definitely be making some simple stirfry using it too!


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