
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Photo Dump

The blog has been quite focused on running recently, which is to be expected since my race is next weekend, but running hasn't been consuming all my time.  I've been up to a whole bunch of fun stuff and I've been taking a lot of pictures, they just haven't been making it to the blog.  There were tasty eats, Mother's Day treats, a Flyers game, a birthday celebration, and a fair with a pink firetruck!

Well I'm exhausted and I don't have much to say, so here are some recent photos from my adventures.

Well, Dave is still at an all day concert, and I'm off to cuddle with my dog and watch the Kardashians premier!  Girls night :)

How do you like to unwind on Sundays?


  1. That first picture has me drooling! I love your catch up posts and the randomness of it all. Keep them coming and I'll see YOU this weekend! :-D

  2. I love the pink firetruck! For Sunday unwinding, I like to get everything organized for the week and end the day with takeout food and a little relaxing on the couch!


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