
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 19

Week 19:
- Wednesday - 2.02 mi, 20:03 quick run with Dave
- Thursday - 1 min plank, 20 push-ups
- Saturday - better than nothing arms and 1 min plank
- Sunday - 12 miles of death, Garmin died, 15 minute dog walk
- Total Mileage =  14.04 mi

Week 19 Goals:
- Listen to my body to determine how much training vs. rest is best for my knee: A
- Planks 3 times: B
- Yoga 1 time: F
- Survive my 12 miler on Sunday: A-

Not much to say this week.  The 12 did not make me feel like a boss, but I know that the 13.1 will feel better when I get lots of rest, fuel properly, and have race day energy!  I only have 1.5 weeks left and honestly, I'm ready to get it over with!  I'm super excited to accomplish this goal, but honestly I hate double digits.  My knees say no thank you.

Week 20 Goals:
- Arms & abs 2 times
- Yoga 2 times
- Get 2 good runs in that I actually enjoy and make me confident

Next weekend... ahhhhh!

How do you get yourself back on track after a tough workout?


  1. Keep it up. If you got 12 in this week, you are ready! Just enjoy your taper week!

  2. You are so close! CONGRATS and good luck in this final week!

  3. We should schedule yoga dates because I don't do it as much as I would like either.


Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!