
Sunday, May 13, 2012

12 Miles, It Ain't Easy

Just finished my longest run yet!  12 miles in the books and it's my last long run before the half (next week is a taper).  After I killed Broad Street, I was feeling super confident about the half distance and this training run.  And then I went to a concert the night before (no drinking but still on my feet).  And then I got 6 hours of sleep.  And then I woke up with a displeased tummy.  And then I didn't eat my regular long run breakfast.  And then it was SO hot.  (Maybe not so hot for other people, but I do not enjoy running in the sun in what feels like 80 degrees!)

Oh and did I mention my Garmin died in the middle of the run?  Sweet moves.

I ran with Shayna and TJ and thank goodness for them because they really pushed me to get it done.  I was seriously feeling rough from the beginning but I do think part of that was the pace that was a little too fast for me.  I also started the run in a t-shirt, which started to feel super heavy and awful so I ran the second half in just my sports bra which was so much better.  I need to get more sweat wicking tanks.  Marshalls and Old Navy here I come!

At the end I really wanted to stop.  Those last 2 miles were brutal.  I definitely wouldn't have finished without my own little cheering squad.  They were so amazing, singing random songs and keeping the motivation the whole way through!  Thanks guys :)

A lot of the training plans for half marathons only take you up to 10 miles and then they just assume the adrenaline and all of the rest of your training will take you through the additional 3.1.  Personally, I'm so glad I did this run, it was by far the hardest run I have ever done but I feel that much more prepared for 2 weekends from now.  And as of right now, they are calling for 87 and sunny in Philly on May 26th, so I'm glad I felt the heat today!

Well, my knees feel like death, my hips ache... but I knew it wouldn't be easy and that just makes it all the more worth it.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there!


  1. Congrats on finishing the 12-miler! And I agree on the heat. That might not seem hot to some people but I do not do well in the heat or humidity! I really prefer the 60s!

  2. Way to go! I'm sure you appreciated a day full of mexican comfort food after a killer run like that. :)

  3. Great job getting that 12 miler done! My husband was the first way before his first half- he really wanted to do 12 so that he felt confident going into the race. I have a feeling you will surprise yourself on race day! You're going to do an awesome job! Just be sure to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate :)


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