
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 18

Week 18:
- Monday - 20 minute dog walk, 1 min plank
- Tuesday - 3.41 mi, 36:00, boot camp w/cheerleaders (10 burpees, 50 mountain climbers, high knees, 20 ab scissors, 30 second plank, 10 push-ups, 40 tricep dips)
- Thursday - 5 min elliptical, free weight arms, 1 min plank, 30 second plank, side planks 20 seconds each side
- Saturday - 20 minute dog walk
- Sunday - Broad Street 10:09 mi, 1:40:32
- Total Mileage = 13.60 mi

Week 18 Goals:
- Ice my knee: A+
- Planks 3 times: A
- Prep for the Broad Street Run (early to bed, clean eating, hydrating): A+

I feel like I may have missed a midweek dog walk and/or plank, but whatever.  This week's focus was all about Broad Street.  When I ran on Tuesday I was really feeling it in my knee, so I decided that resting through the week was more important than getting in another run.  It definitely paid off because my knee felt fine through the race and I haven't had any post race pain either!

I'm a little bummed because I canceled my gym membership on Thursday, but now that I've moved in with Dave it just doesn't make sense.  Between running, my free weights at home, online resources, and the zumba/yoga combo Groupon I still need to activate I really don't see the need to pay for a gym right now.  I love working out at a gym but the only one super close to Dave's is mega expensive.  I'd love to keep paying $10 a month at Planet Fitness, but the closest one is 20 some minutes away and I refuse to join a gym with that kind of commute.  I know I won't go and I refuse to set myself up for failure.

Week 19 Goals:
- Listen to my body to determine how much training vs. rest is best for my knee
- Planks 3 times
- Yoga 1 time
- Survive my 12 miler on Sunday

 Only 2.5 weeks left!!!

Do you prefer to workout at a gym?


  1. only 2 1/2 weeks - that's so exciting! You are almost there!!! I never belonged to a gym until last fall and I always was satisfied with my fitness. The one thing I have really enjoyed about the gym is that in addition to the cardio, free weights and circuit excercises, I started lifting weights a little more, which helped me a lot with my core strength (and in turn with my running). I was able to run a lot better without even realizing it. So, that's why I like the gym. But, if I didn't have a gym close by and I didn't do weights, I certainly wouldn't commute or pay a lot for a gym membership!

  2. i detest out door running. i have bad adhd so i get very distracted. i need to take a lot of my meds to get through long runs.


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