
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Weeks 20 & 21

Week 20:
- Monday - 10 min cardio dance on demand, 20 min yoga on demand, BTN arms & abs
- Tuesday - 10 min boot camp style exercises w/the cheerleaders
- Wednesday - 25 min dog walk, BTN arms, abs, & cardio mix
- Thursday - 3.24 mi run 31:36, 2 sprints, 20 min dog walk, 40 min walking with friends
- Friday - 10 min dog walk
- Saturday - 45 min backyard vball, 15 min dodgeball
- Sunday - 5.01 mi with some ladies from my group 51:17, 20 min dog walk, 20 min yoga on demand
- Total Mileage =  8.25 mi
Week 20 Goals:
- Arms & abs 2 times: A
- Yoga 2 times: A+
- Get 2 good runs in that I actually enjoy and make me confident: A+

Wow, look at all that fitness!  I started counting my calories and apparently those negative exercise calories are super motivating.  More about that in a future post.  Wednesday I did a nice loop around Valley Forge and the huge hill that used to crush me is actually getting easier!  My average pace was 9:46 min/mi, look at me I'm fast!  Relatively speaking :)  Then on Sunday I got together with some ladies from my running group for a run and some brunch and it was great.  I love running and chatting, the miles just fly by.  Oh, and yoga twice last week, who am I? I think I actually found a yoga video I like, win!
Week 21:
- Monday - BTN arms & abs
- Wednesday - 3.10 mi with Dave, 3 sprints, a few arms & abs (less than BTN lol)
- Total Mileage = 3.10 mi

Does running around packing and doing laundry count?  Say yes.  We're headed straight to the beach after the half so I'm packing for the race and for a beach weekend.  I hate packing, almost as much as I hate laundry!

Anyway, this is it!  I've been looking forward to this weekend since January!  The forecast is looking unfavorable with temps in the high 70s to low 80s during race time with 80% humidity.  I guess that's not too horrible, but every time I look up the forecast and it says the high for the day is 90, feels like 96... it makes me cringe.  I'm definitely glad we did the 12 in some heat!  Tomorrow I'm taking a half day at work and we're headed into the city for the race expo and some dinner, and then we're crashing at a hotel with Shayna and Jenn!  It will definitely be nice to already be down there since the race starts at 7 am.  My family and a bunch of my friends are all coming down to support me, I'm so pumped!  I know having a mini crowd of fans will be amazing and really help me to finish.

Speaking of which, thank you for all your support!  I never thought I was capable of doing this and all the positive energy and inspiring comments have been so wonderful.  Thank you for reading all my updates and following me on this journey :D
No internet at the beach house, so I'll catch you on the flip side... when I'm officially a half marathoner!

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