
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 17

Week 17:
- Monday, arms, 1 minute plank
- Tuesday, 5.9 mi, 59:42 with my running group, 1 minute plank
- Friday, arms & abs, 1 minute plank
- Saturday, 10 mi, 1:47:42, 1 minute plank, 15 minute dog walk
- Sunday, 20 minute yoga video on Xfinity On Demand, lots of stretching
- Total Mileage = 15.90 mi

Week 17 Goals:
- Planks, 3 times: A+
- Arms & abs, 2 times: B+
- Finish my 10 miler: A+

An excellent week for my goals!  Still can't get over the fact that I ran 10 miles.  And I even did yoga,  along with some foam rolling, it really helped me recover from Saturday.  I've been experiencing some knee pain since I tweaked my knee a few weeks ago when I tripped over a gift playing gift giver at Kimber's baby shower (womp for being clutsy!), so when I felt a little knee pain on Tuesday I decided I would rest until my 10 miler.  It worked out and my knee felt good while I was running, but it definitely felt rough the rest of the day.  Hopefully I can listen to my body and avoid a serious injury!

Anyway, now I'm getting super pumped for this weekend!  I'm running the Broad Street Run, along with 30,000 people!  Two of those people being Shayna and Jenn!  There's also a bunch of people from my work running too.  On Friday I'm taking a half day and heading down to the city to check out the expo and pick up my race packet with one of my coworkers.  I'm excited for my first race expo.  I'm getting paid on Friday and heck, I've been training since January, I think I deserve some goodies ;)

I am kinda anxious for the race too:
1.  It's my first race longer than a 5K.  I'm nervous I'll go out too fast, choke on water trying to drink quickly through water stations, and/or generally burn out at the end.
2.  30,000 people + spectators = clusterfuck, I'm worried about traffic, bathroom lines, finding people, completely missing Dave when I run by him, etc.
3.  My knee... I'm just praying that it feels ok during the race!  I have a knee brace from a random injury a few years ago, but I'm not even sure it would help and I really don't want to run with it for the first time at the race (hello possibility of horribly chafing).  I'm also still keeping my eyes on the prize.  I don't want to go all out at this race if it means I'm not going to be able to run my half.  So I may end up taking it easier than I want to.  We'll see!

Week 18 Goals:
- Ice my knee
- Planks 3 times
- Prep for the Broad Street Run (early to bed, clean eating, hydrating)

But wow, it's May and I can't believe I'm running my half marathon this month!  Seems like just yesterday I was struggling with 2 miles and wondering if my hip pain was going to be a serious injury.  Now I'm feeling like a boss!

Have you run in any large races?  Any tips for dealing with the crowds?


  1. Good luck!!! I did the Broad Street Run a few years ago. It was really hot so they had all the fire hydrants spraying as we ran down Broad Street. It was definitely crowded but the crowd eventually spreads out a bit which makes it better. Just make sure you know what side of the street your boyfriend will be on and stick to that side and you won't miss him! For water stations, do the cup pinching trick where you squeeze both sides which will create a mini-spout that you can drink from. It makes it so much easier to drink from and it won't splash all over the place and make you choke :) Since it is a large race it is VERY easy to get caught up in the moment and the adrenaline and start too fast. Just try to breathe and find your happy pace and you'll be fine! Can't wait to hear how it goes! ENJOY IT!

  2. Good luck with your 1/2!! I'll think of you on Saturday as I'm running my race too. I have so many "what ifs" too, but am trying not to think too much about it or I'll drive myself crazy. Enjoy your race and I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Are you allowed to have an ipod? That might help tune out the crowd. If not, I'm sure you'll hear Dave screaming for you hehe. Good luck!

  4. Whoo hoo!! Good job on your 10 miler! And good luck at the race!!! Look forward to hearing how it goes!

  5. The crowds at Broad are amazing!! One my favorite races for crowd support.

    It's great to hit the 10 mile mark, huh?

  6. Congrats on a great week of hitting your goals, especially the 10 miles! I 100% agree with Katie's comment above. I did the San Diego rock n roll marathon and the hardest part is not letting all of the hype and excitement of the crowds get you too excited - run your race and stick to your pace so that you don't use all of your energy with the crowd as the beginning!

  7. POST ABOUT BROAD STREET!!!! :D Can't wait to read it (even though I was there), lol!


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