
Monday, May 7, 2012

Broad Street Run Expo & The Reading Terminal Market

Yes, I did it!  I ran Broad Street and I killed it... but we need to start at the beginning!

I was dreading the crowds and driving down into the city two days in a row, so I decided to go pick up my race packet and check out the expo on Friday afternoon.  My coworker Ricky, who was also running, was my partner in crime for the day.  We cut out of work at noon and our first stop was the Reading Terminal Market.

Omg, farmer's market on steroids!  It was my first time and I'd heard so many amazing things about this place and it did not disappoint.  We started our trip by taking a lap around trying to pick from the overwhelming amount of delicious choices and devouring some free cheese samples.  I settled on a place called Mezze Mediterranean Foods.  There were so many drool worthy sandwiches there it was so hard to decide, but a delicious italian hoagie caught my eye.

Next up was dessert, needed to load up on extra calories for the race after all ;)  After some more roaming around, we found an Amish bakery we were both excited about.

Strawberry rhubarb pie for him, pumpkin roll for her.

The market was great, I'll definitely be going back!  After we sufficiently stuffed ourselves, we headed down to the expo!


It was my first race expo and it was pretty crazy.

There was a ton of goodies for purchasing and this one caught my eye: a spibelt for carrying a few things while running.  It's waterproof... and purple!

I was also looking for a super supportive sports bra, but they didn't have any big enough for my girls (not kidding).

The expo definitely pumped me up and really made the race real for me!  I still can't believe it's over.  I should've done some blogging yesterday, but I was a waste of life and did nothing but nap and eat.  So I'll be writing my race recap later tonight!

What's your favorite market place?  Have you ever been to a race expo?

1 comment:

  1. I love the spibelt! It's like a modernized crazy version of a fanny pack. haha. Congrats again girl! I also need to go to the reading terminal sometime in the near future!


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