
Monday, April 30, 2012

100th Post: Best of Busy, Bold, Blessed

Wow, 100 posts?!  Here we are.  I hope you've enjoyed all the pictures, recipes, running updates, and random ramblings.  And all the glamour shots of this one:

Caitlin over at my favorite blog Healthy Tipping Point does a monthly superlatives post that I always like, so I thought this would be something fun for my 100th post.  Enjoy!

Best Restaurant Copycat:  Homemade Chipotle Bowls - Omg I'm obsessed with these and apparently you are too because this is one of my most popular posts ever.

Most Intense: Are we addicted to meat? - I wasn't sure how people were going to feel about this post, but it was pretty well received and there were a lot of great comments.

Favorite Photogenic Trip: Baltimore Getaway - I loved our quick trip to Baltimore and I can't believe the pictures I captured.

Awesome Ladies Day: Winetober Fest - I need to get out to more events like this.

Moment I Lost My Mind:  Holy crap, I'm training for a half marathon! - Seriously felt like a crazy person at the time.

Best Way to Get Sweaty in 8 Minutes: Better Than Nothing Workout - No excuse not to fit in a workout!

Birthday Fun in Cape May: Suddenly September - What a wonderful birthday celebration!  Dave had some great tricks up his sleeve.

Thank you so much for reading!

What would you like to see more of on the blog?


  1. Congratulations on 100 posts! What an exciting landmark. I haven't been following you all that long, but I'm looking forward to much more from you!

  2. People love them some Chipotle apparently haha. I'm always surprised at which posts get the most response or views but I also love that we're able to track that and hopefully post more about that content. Congrats!

  3. Congrats on the 100th post and what a great 100th post! I love all of the travel posts and fitness posts that you mix in with the running updates!


Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!