
Monday, December 5, 2011

My New Baby!

I was supposed to go to the gym this evening... and then I remembered that my new laptop was being delivered today!  Hello new toy!  On Thanksgiving I bought an HP Pavilion from Best Buy's website, I got a great deal and I didn't have to wait in any lines or ruin my holiday.  It has a 17.3 inch screen and I really didn't realize how huge that would be until I pulled it out of the box, it's enormous!  It has 6 GB of RAM, 640 GB of hard drive, and an i7 intel processor... basically it's fricken awesome.

I really shouldn't have blown off the gym... but I haven't bought a new computer since 2004 and I was just too excited, I had to play with it all night!

Merry Christmas to me!


  1. I love my hp pavillion! you'll love it---sooo much better than Dells! I've had it for 2+ years and it still runs like a champ...I had to replace the battery once and the charger 2x so be careful with that...I've learned to put mine in "hibernate" when I'm not using it.

  2. I love that Pinterest is on your computer :) It's cute!

  3. Congrats on your deal! I can't wait until I can get a new laptop, let me know how you like your HP as you play with it :-)


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