
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...

I'm getting so pumped for Christmas!  It's even making me channel my inner Martha Stuart.  Check out my Jo-Ann Fabrics + Dollar Store creation!

This is my kind of craft... something cheap that takes no skill whatsoever, win.  I think they came out great.  Simple and festive.

We'll see how crafty I feel after I attempt to make the wreath that I have all the supplies for.  Also, I really need to improve my photography skills.  Perhaps a goal for the new year... speaking of goals, I went to the gym tonight!

Today's Workout:
- 25 minutes on the arc trainer, 1:1 interval program
- Lat pull downs
- One arm row
- Tricep kickbacks
- Tricep extensions
- Seated calf extensions
It wasn't the longest workout ever, but I was sweating my butt off and I was definitely feeling it.  Tomorrow = push-ups, maybe even some abs!  Depends how much time I can get on the floor without someone all up in my business....

Is it Friday yet?  I'm always living for the weekend.

Are you crafty?  What's your favorite holiday craft?


  1. Those candle holders are super cute - I love crafting this time of year!

  2. I'm pretty crafty, I like to do the garland on the stairs and table centerpieces. We have so many Christmas/holiday decorations it's hard to decide which ones to use each year. I hate when things are super decorated and like cluttered. Plus then that's more to dust and keep clean, sometimes simple is best.


Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!