
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friends, Food, the End of Fall

Saturday started off with a holiday parade with my cheerleaders. The weather was gorgeous.

Turducken Day was perfect.  The afternoon was spent playing football in the sunshine and singing along to some guitar.  We feasted all day and everything was delicious!  My jalapeno popper dip came out great, it had just the right amount of spice.  The night ended with a group dance party, I love my friends.  I failed at taking any pictures of the event, but sometimes it's just nice to enjoy the day and not worry about documenting it.

Today was filled with family, worship, Panera, and chopping down a Christmas tree.  The weather was gorgeous and Puddin' had a great time check out all the smells.  I can't wait to decorate the tree.  I picked up some new ornaments and a bunch of random holiday craft supplies, which were all 50% off!

I got a serious workout playing football yesterday, my hamstrings and hip flexors are so sore!  Sprinting and cutting back and forth apparently use a lot of muscles that I don't utilize very often.  So my better than nothing workout of the day has been push-ups, some random aerobics moves that I've been doing to loosen up my legs and hips, and a good bit of stretching.  I didn't reach my goal of 50 push-ups in a row, but I'm still keeping the push-ups in my routine so perhaps I'll get there before the new year!  I'm planning on hitting the gym tomorrow night and running at least 2 miles.  I like working out in the beginning of the week, it helps me to start things off on the right foot, and even if I fall off the wagon later in the week, at least I got some fitness in at some point!  Maybe I'll run outside before the temperature drops down to the thirties like they're calling for next weekend, ew.

Time is flying!  Where did the weekend go?

How was your weekend?  What's your favorite better than nothing workout?

1 comment:

  1. Yay for cheerleaders! I cheer for pee wee football and all through high school. Us gals won championships 'n stuff. I am forever a cheerleader.

    My favorite better than nothing workout is Yoga. It's the kind of movement I can squeeze in between anything zany the child-ridden household throw my way.


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