
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Enjoying the Weekend Sunshine

After getting over the horribly depressing Phillies loss on Friday night, I decided the best way to spend my Saturday afternoon would be at to the Quakertown Farmer's Market (aka the Q-Mart) with my friend Leah!  The weather was gorgeous so we started with the outdoor flea market portion.  We had some great finds!  I bought 2 knives ($1 each), an earthy stone ring ($5), a bright red beaded necklace ($1), and 2 brooches (2 for $5).  Can't wait to put these bad boys on my winter coats!

I love putting someone else's "trash" back into use.  Yay for going green and getting cheap stuff!  The inside portion was more focused on food!  We enjoyed some tasty gyros and samples from the pickle man and bought lots of fresh produce.  Leah bought a bucket of a dozen pears for $1.50!  She donated some to me.

I also picked up a ton of oats.  So many bloggers talk about delicious dessert-like overnight oats and I've wanted to try them for a while.  Who doesn't want a breakfast that tastes like dessert?  And they were so cheap!

Overall the trip was a great success.  And Q-Mart is also notorious for amazing people watching, and it did not disappoint.  Afterwards I headed over to Dave's and he took me on a scenic ride on his motorcycle.  I'm glad we got out to enjoy the amazing weather.  I love riding on the back of a bike through beautiful fall scenery!  The rest of the night was spent grilling up some dinner and watching a movie.  Yay for relaxing date nights.

Today I took the dog for an hour long hike through Valley Forge National Park.  I love love love that the park is right next to Dave's house.  Puddin' shares my feelings on the subject.  And you know what they say, a tired dog is a good dog!

I supplemented the hike with some better than nothing living room exercises including some squats, scissor abs, calf raises, tricep dips, and some mountain climbers.  We also did some more grilling since the weather was so inviting.  We picked these up from Trader Joe's.

Quite honestly, these are the first thing I've ever actually grilled by myself (other than on a George Forman haha).  And yes, they were fully cooked, so all I had to do was brown them... but I had never even started a grill by myself.  Sad but true!  Dave is usually the grill master, but I want to learn more about grilling.  They were delish!  I foresee a long lasting love affair with Trader Joe's.

Tonight I'll be whipping up a pasta dish.  Recipe to come!  Hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Do you enjoy flea and farmer's markets?  Do you have a favorite one near you?


  1. Ohh those chicken sausages look yummy! The Qmart always has such cheap produce and a great meat selection too! If it makes you feel any better I didn't light a grill by myself until a few years ago. I like my eyebrows just where they are, thank you very much! Let me know how your overnight oats go. I keep wanting to try it, but now that it's getting cooler in the mornings I might stick to my hot oats! Also- green monster how to post!

  2. So jealous that you get to walk right out into Valley Forge park. What a perfect weekend for it, too :) I LOVE Trader Joe's and enjoy flea/farmers markets, too. There's one in Boyertown called Zern's which is pretty similar to Qmart and Jenn always finds a lot of great things there. I've only been a few times, but have been satisfied with the experience every time. I love all the randomness between handcrafted items and foods and how it all fits together because there's no norm (for items or people, lol) in places like that. Fun, fun :) Love your blog and I second the love for your background!

  3. I enjoy the farmers market in my area, but feel like the flea market has become a place where people are selling avon - type products instead of stuff they have owned or made.


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