
Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Rundown

Quick updates from the week:

My cheerleader's had their competition.  They did pretty well, despite the the injury we had on Thursday.  Their next competition is on October 22nd at Temple.  We have a lot of work to do before then, but overall the day was a success.

Then we had a girls dinner at Kristen's house.  Her and Heather made us a tasty feast of homemade pumpkin ravioli in a mushroom sauce, a white bean and sausage soup, and an awesome produce packed salad.  Check those links from Heather's blog to get the recipes!  Then we danced the night away at a local bar to a jammin' coverband, we had a fricken blast!

My entire day was spent watching football and hanging with the boyfriend!  My fantasy team scored a whopping 187.4... my opponent had 88.0!  I think I got a record high for my league... gotta make the boys scared :)  I'm last year's superbowl champ, and I'm 4-0 this season!

I also ate my first papaya!  I had never tried one before, and when I saw it at Trader Joe's, I thought hey why not?!

I had no idea how to handle this bad boy so naturally, I googled it.  It looked kinda funny to me, but the internet said when it's ripe it will be turning from green to yellow.  The first step was to cut it in half and when I did, I found all these silly looking seeds!

The next step was to take a spoon and scrape them out.  Be careful, they like to escape and fly all over your kitchen floor!

Then I just ate it with a spoon, although you could cut it up into pieces.  It was tasty!  It wasn't as sweet as I thought it was going to be, it kind of reminded me of a sweeter version of cantaloupe.  I'm glad I tried it!

Monday - Wednesday
Honestly Monday through Wednesday are kind of a blur of work of work, cheer, and Phillies playoff games.

I felt spoiled today. I got to go out on a site visit all day to view the project I'm working on in person. I got to enjoy the sunshine, a paid lunch, and a day away from my desk. It was wonderful. After work I squeezed in a run! I ran 2.5 miles (with no walking!) and it felt great. Well, in the beginning I was not feeling it, but I kept pumping myself up with positive thoughts and it really helped! Cheerleading went well too. And I made myself a veggie sandwich for dinner, yay for healthy choices.

TGtomorrowIF! This weekend should be a relaxing one. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I can also find some motivation to fit in some workouts though... maybe even a run! It would be nice to run more than once a week... although it's better than nothing! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

What's your favorite fruit?  Do you like any oddballs?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're venturing out of your fruit zone. Papaya (and mango) are great fruits to use in salsa. Do you like kiwi? I always forget to buy it despite how much I enjoy it. If you're not super busy this weekend I think Kristen and I are trying to get our hike on. Give me a ring! xoxo -H


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