
Friday, October 14, 2011

Creamy Artichoke Pasta

Looky here, a little autumn love for the blog!  I probably should do a complete layout overhaul... but at least this is a little something different to look at!

Monday's Workout:
1.6 mi run - 15 minutes

I'm desperately trying to speed up my running pace.  I used to run a mile in under ten minutes like it was my job and now it's super challenging.  At the time, I wasn't super interested in running, but I convinced myself that I would just go for a quick one and in ten minutes it would be over.  I'm really finding running to be a great release.  I miss organized sports because it was easy to work hard when I had a game coming up and a coach to impress.  Now I need to find that push inside myself to beat my pace, run longer distances, and not walk when I know I can push through and keep running.  I should probably sign up for a race...

The rest of the week was lacking in planned exercise.  I did fill in at practice and throw some cheerleaders in the air, but I failed at making use of that gym membership I'm paying for, fail!

Anyway, Sunday night I made a delicious dinner for the boyfriend and myself.  This is a vegetarian dish that will even satisfy all the meat hungry men in your life.  The recipe is from one of my fave bloggers Iowa Girl Eats.  She is amazing, seriously if you don't read her blog go there now!  I'm always drooling over her recipes!

Creamy Artichoke Pasta

- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- salt & pepper
- 3 green onions, chopped
- 1 (heaping) tablespoon minced garlic
- 1 can quartered artichoke hearts, drained
- 1 can diced tomatoes, drained
- 1/4 cup half & half
- 1/4 cup chicken broth
- 6oz pasta, like fettuccini or spaghetti
- 1/2 cup parmesan cheese

Missed the olive oil in my line up.
1.   Cook pasta, drain, and put back into hot pot.  While pasta is cooking prepare the rest of the dish.
2.  Melt butter and olive oil in pan over medium heat.
3.  Add green onions, salt, and pepper and saute approximately 2 minutes.

4.  Add garlic and cook for 1 more minute.
5.  Add artichokes and tomatoes into the pan.  Season with more salt and pepper (to taste) and cook for 8 minutes.

6.  Add in half & half and chicken broth and cook until heated through.

7.  Add the parmesan cheese over the cooked pasta then add in the tomato artichoke sauce.
8.  Stir to combine and dig in!

Like I said, this dish was so tasty!  The tomatoes we used were the only canned ones that Trader Joe's had, they were fire roasted so the dish had a little zing to it that Dave and I both liked!  The artichokes are the "meat" of the dish and it was a very hearty meal.  I will definitely be making this again.  I'd recommend serving it with a nice piece of crusty bread... at least that's what I was wishing we had on Sunday night!

Well it's Friday and I have an awesome weekend planned, I hope you do too!

What's your favorite vegetarian meal?

Updated 2/8/12: Please note that I understand that chicken broth is not vegetarian.  At this time I am not eliminating all animal products from my diet, I am simply trying to eat less meat.  However, I'm sure you could easily substitute some veggie broth or even just leave out the broth completely, which is actually what I did last time I made the dish simply because I didn't have any.

1 comment:

  1. Yum :) I'm doing a 5k on Sunday the 23rd for Laurel House :) If you're open, you should do it, too!! Excited to see you tomorrow.


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