
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Swim, Hike, Enjoy

The best part of being unemployed is getting to spend my days outside.  My Tuesdays have been spent here hanging with Nicole, working on my tan.

And enjoying the butterflies.

On Wednesday Puddin' and I got out to enjoy the cool weather before the rain.  Temperatures in the 70s never felt so good.

I love that Dave lives directly next to Valley Forge National Park.  It's so beautiful.  I love hiking through all the nature, it's a great workout with a beautiful background.  Please enjoy Puddin's photo shoot in the park (and yes I found my camera)!


Puddin' is quite the little explorer and the park was so empty during the day (since it was only a matter of time before it started raining), so she got the treat of wandering off the leash, which also made for better pictures!  Usually she's not that lucky, some people are really funny about her since she's a pit... if they only knew how much she just wanted to cuddle with them.

Anyway this weekend involves celebrating my bestie Jes's birthday in Rehoboth, DE and Ocean City, MD!  And I have an interview on Tuesday, woot!  Have a great weekend :)

What's your favorite outdoor spot?  Do you like hiking?


  1. I bet Puddin' is loving your being around during the day! Good luck on your interview, you'll do great. Hsve you ever hiked at Ralph Stover Park? It's epic :-)

  2. Love the pics :) Have a great time this weekend and good luck at your interview!

  3. Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm feeling the love :D

    Heather - I've never been there, maybe I'll check it out in the fall once life settles down a little!


Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!