
Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm a bad blogger.

It's been an entire week since my last post.  Epic fail.  However, I did a lot of work on my resume last week and applied for a job!  I also spent a good bit of the week catching up with friends because soon my life be taken over by cheerleading.  Tonight is the first night of practice in the new season and I am extremely excited.  This will be my 12th year coaching, which is so crazy!

Anyway the past week has been filled with a lot of summer fun activities.  On Tuesday Dave and I met some friends at the Sublime with Rome and 311 concert at Festival Pier.  We had a blast!

Sublime with Rome

 The ladies

311 from the second row, please
excuse my phone's mediocre camera.

My week also involved some Mexican deliciousness with some of these...

And my addiction...

The rest of the week was filled with trips to the gym (the bike has really been burning my butt - in a good way!), random hangouts with friends, working on some cheer choreography, another visit to the Kimberton Whole Foods, some beans (or cornhole depending on what you call it) and brewskis in the sun, dinner at the Victory Brewery, and some relaxing time with my two faves, Dave and Princess P.

I'm finding it kind of hard to be super productive when I have so much free time.  It sounds backwards, but I like being busy and having a set schedule.  I should probably make myself a schedule for each day.

2 - 3 pm - Search for jobs, apply for at least 1
3 - 4 pm - Appointment at chiropractor, stop at post office
4 - 5 pm - Prepare for practice, work on choreography
5 - 6 pm - Dinner and relax
6 - 8 pm - Practice

I feel more productive already!  Now if only I could find my camera... hopefully I left it at Dave's!

How do you stay productive when you don't have set deadlines?


  1. List making is definitely my favorite way to get things done. I usually lump the easy and quick things together and then also lump the "must do" things at the top. Something about a crossed off list makes me feel super accomplished!

  2. PS- I've been a horrible blogger as of late. Too much going on and not enough time!! There will be massive posts to come, promise :-)

  3. I love lists!! (I think you know this) And post-its. I have post-its everywhere.

    I'm also a bad blogger. I blame Tumblr and Pinterest. Blahhh.


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