Friday, March 8, 2019

19.1 & 19.2

I've only been going to the gym about once per week, but I figured why not when the Open came around.  Our gym is doing a fun intramural competition and having teammates counting on me to do the WOD every week is a great way to ensure I show up!

80s Theme... what a dork.


This workout wasn't anything glamorous, just 15 minutes of straightforward work.  I don't think anybody likes wall balls, but I am pretty decent at them.  Before I started I thought I'd probably break them up 7-6-6 but the first set felt manageable at 10-9.  I decided to stick with that since I knew I'd lose a lot more time resting between sets.  It's always so hard to pick up the ball again when you're sucking wind!  I paced myself pretty well and was able to complete 5 rounds + 19 wall balls for 209 total reps.


This WOD was a repeat of 16.2 with a twist.  Back in 2016, you had to do the whole first round in 4 minutes or you were done (vs 8 minutes for the first 2 rounds).  My whole goal for that WOD was just to make it to the bar for the squat cleans and I failed miserably.  Twice.  I actually did worst my second time.  My double unders weren't great then in general and they were a total mess with the pressure of the Open.

I've actually been avoiding dubs for... about a year now, like since last year's Open when I peed my pants during the workout.  I really wasn't sure how they were going to be and I was super nervous about it.  After a lot of warming up and using the bathroom 3 times, I was ready.

I've been doing pretty well on toes to bar lately, so the 25 went fairly quickly.  My dubs were pretty great.  I was able to put some long strings together!  However, apparently I haven't been doing enough PT homework because around 35 my pelvic floor was done and I felt some leaking.

On the bright side, I was pumped when I made it to the barbell at 3:09!  Despite feeling like I'm slacking at making fitness a priority right now, I am still seeing improvements.  I moved through the 85# squat cleans as singles trying not to take huge breaks in between.  That weight isn't super heavy for me, but 15 of them added up.  I made it back to the bar for 21 T2B before the 8 minutes expired.

Shoutout to Etya for the awesome photos that night!

I felt pretty proud of this performance.  But when I went to PT on Monday, I found out my abs had regressed and I had a 2 finger separation at my belly button.  Between that and the peeing situation, I am realizing that I need to step back and make sure I am doing what's actually appropriate for my current body.  And that I really need to step up my game with my PT homework.

All worth it for this one!

19.3 is happening tomorrow!

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