

Hello!  My name is Amber, welcome to Bold, Busy, Blessed!  I am a twenty something living in the suburbs outside of Philly.  I'm interested in experiencing the benefits of eating whole foods and continuing to make exercise a habit in my life.  I had been reading healthy living blogs for a few years, but in July 2011 I finally took the leap and decided to start my own blog!

Growing up I was raised on meat and potatoes with a bit of veggies on the side.  Now I'm trying to treat food as fuel and figure out what makes my body operate at it's best.  I'm eating more and more veggies and working to eliminate all processed foods. I try to follow the Paleo Diet, but I'm far from strict. I'm interested in eating local and organic and I've started to dabble in the world of CSAs, farmer's markets, and local meat sources.

I've been participating in sports since I was 5.  I played softball, soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey.  I also swam and cheered.  Now I coach cheerleading and try to stay active through lifting and running.  I never really though of myself as much of a runner, but I wanted a challenge so I ran a half marathon in May 2012!  The race went great but these days I'm drinking the CrossFit koolaid and focusing on weightlifting.

My blog is a mix of things, whatever moves me at the time, so you'll find some recipes, workouts, random adventures, and some cute pictures of my pooch.  I hope you enjoy!

I am in no way a trained professional.  Everything on my blog is based on my personal experience, knowledge, and opinions.