
Monday, July 6, 2015

Weekly Workouts + 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!  I hope you had a good weekend!  I am dragging today, but some Chipotle for dinner and an early bedtime should help :)  Last week was a short week and I didn't really get as many workouts in as I wanted to.

S - Rest

M - CrossFit + 1.0 mi walk with Butler
  • Strength: Back Squat - 3 rep max, then 3 at 95% and 90%.  I started to add weight and it started to hurt my back so I kept it light and did sets of 6 instead.  I got up to 105#.
  • WOD: 12 minute AMRAP - I finished 5 rounds.
    • 200m Run
    • 4 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95) - I did 75 lbs, I could've Rxed, but my back said nope.
    • 8 Toes to Bar
T - Rest Day (since we went to the Phillies game for Dave's 30th bday and got a home run ball!)

W - 1.35 mi walk with Butler around the dog park

Th - CrossFit
  • Skill: 15 minutes of gymnastics goat work - I worked on pull ups because I'm desperately trying to connect them. In workouts I do them one at a time and it takes forever.  When I attempt to connect them my timing is off and I don't get a good push off the bar at the top, so I end up swinging awkwardly at the bottom instead of ready to kip into my next one.  I'm able to connect 2 now but not 3.  I will be working the new drill my coach gave me.
  • WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
    • 10 Handstand Push Ups
    • 15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
    • 30 Double Understand
    • I did a modified version because I knew even light kettlebell swings would hurt my back.  I subbed the KB swings for 10 pull ups.  I also didn't complete 30 dubs every round, I just did attempts until the guy I was pacing with was finished... or until I threw my jump rope across the gym in frustration...
The rest of the weekend did not include any formal workouts.  I went for a few strolls with Butler and got a few miles in walking home from the bars.  I had a catch on the beach.  I danced my ass off Saturday night.  I did one epic beach sprint carrying my not so light beach bag and a chair.  I intended on doing more, but it just didn't happen.  Holiday weekends typically mean some extra indulgence, so this week I will be focusing on healthy eats and getting back into a workout groove!

But first... here are some tidbits from our weekend down the shore with our friends Jeff and Arley.

Thursday night, we kicked off our time in Cape May with an awesome dinner at YB.  We've been there a few times for breakfast, but we've never tried their dinner.  It's a BYOB and the entrées were all so reasonable ($20 for 2 giant crab cakes), both of which are pretty rare in Cape May.  We ordered the swordfish tacos and duck fat fries as appetizers.

Then for the main course I had the crab cakes with a pesto couscous and it was just so delicious.  Our table also ordered salmon, sesame crusted tuna, and a pork chop and everyone loved their meal.  Dinner for four came to $107, which made me literally laugh out loud!  I would definitely recommend YB to anyone!

After dinner we met up with Dave's aunt and uncle, Kay and Trip.  We spent the rest of our night enjoying the nice weather in some rocking chairs at what we call the porch bar, followed up by a trip to the Boiler Room in the basement of Congress Hall.

Friday we had a great beach day, followed by a wonderful seafood feast!  Between appetizers and dinner, Arley and I took Butler for a walk around the neighborhood.

Friday night involved buckets and more rocking chair action.

Since the weather wasn't that great Saturday we laid low and played some cards on the deck.  After I crushed everyone at Rummy 500, we decided to head over to the bay so Butler could get some beach action.  We met up with Kimber and everyone couldn't stop giggling at Butler having a ball in the water.

One of the best parts of the weekend was Saturday night.  We found the perfect spot to watch the fireworks right in front of Congress Hall.


After the awesome display, we made our way to one of our favorite bars Cabana's for some live music!  The band was called Mystery Machine and they were great.  When's the last time you saw a band at a bar with a 4 piece horn section?!

And Sunday we rounded out the weekend with a beautiful beach day and a quick visit with some more of Dave's family that are staying at the house this week.

It was a wonderful weekend and the icing on the cake was we didn't hit any traffic on the way home!  Till September Cape May!

How was your 4th of July?!


  1. Looks like an awesome holiday weekend! :)

    1. It was! Hope you guys had fun at the shore shack :D


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