
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Our Honeymoon Recap Part 4: Traveling to the West Coast

If you need to catch up:
- Part 1: Traveling to Nicaragua
- Part 2: Fresh Fish & Adjusting to Island Time
- Part 3: The Mineral Springs, Hitchhiking, & Horses

Our last day on Ometepe was sort of cloudy.  There was a pretty intense storm the night before, which was the first time it actually rained since we were in Nicaragua.  We were leaving pretty early but we spent a little time on the beach before packing up all our stuff.

Linda hacked off the top of our coconuts and we enjoyed the coconut water inside.

We knew we needed to have one more meal at Coco's before we left, so we wandered across the street for some more amazing fish!

And then it was time to say goodbye.  Linda was an an amazing host.  She provided so much helpful information, set up all our transportation, gave us cookies and fresh squeezed juice.  She really went above and beyond.  I would recommend staying at her house to anybody!  One of my biggest regrets of our trip is that we didn't take a photo with her but Linda told us that if we ate the fish on Ometepe that we would come back someday...

Next stop, Aqua Wellness Resort on the west coast!

The taxi and ferry rides were pretty uneventful, other than seeing things like this.

When we finally reached the property, we were stopped at the front gate and had to check in with them.  Then we had to ride down a fairly long driveway.  I was so ready to get out of the car when we finally arrived!  Check in was painless and included a refreshing cool towel and soon we were walking through the trees to our room.

The property was so awesome!  All the rooms were basically on the side of a cliff overlooking the beach.  When we arrived at our luxury treehouse, we discovered our room was fully decorated.

I could not get over the view from our deck!  We immediately jumped in our private plunge pool and a few minutes later, a staff member arrived with champagne for us.

After spending some time relaxing and taking it all in, we freshened up and got ready to go down to dinner.  As the sun started to set, the views just kept getting better.

The "wellness" part of the name of the resort was no joke simply based on the layout.  You had to scale some serious stairs to get to and from the beach.  I consider myself to be in pretty good shape, but the stairs were challenging and we avoided going back up to our room as much as possible.  Little crabs like this were all over the property!

The first night we tried out their fancier restaurant.  The lighting was really cool, but the food was just ok.  It certainly wasn't the fish from Coco's!

After dinner we checked out the beach bar and hit the hay, knowing that we wanted to be fresh for yoga overlooking the ocean in the morning.

To be continued... Part 5


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