
Saturday, January 3, 2015

January Whole30: Meal Plan Days 1-5

This week I'm keeping it pretty simple!  I'm mostly using recipes that I've tried before, but I'm mixing in a few new ones to spice things up.  I'm anticipating feeling pretty crappy while I detox the first few days, so I didn't want to go with anything too complicated or labor intensive.  I've only meal planned for the first five days because I find planning too far in advance can get unrealistic for me and I end up changing everything anyway.  And I'm sick of meal planning at the moment ;)

 Breakfast for the week (prepping on Sunday): Southwestern Frittata

  • Lunch: Taco Salad with leftovers from these Paleo Nachos that I'm making for lunch on Sunday
  • Dinner: Lemon Artichoke Chicken from Practical Paleo with roasted asparagus
  • Lunch: Leftover Chili Cilantro Lime Crockpot Chicken with cauliflower rice and fajita veggies
  • Dinner: I'm thinking I'll take a break from the chicken leftovers I'll definitely still have, head to the grocery store with some new recipes in mind, and prepare a weekend treat like scallops or a steak.
I hope you found some inspiration from my last post.  Meal planning can be hard, but just remember that every meal doesn't have to be something crazy.  I like to mix simple meals (burgers, something in the crockpot, salads) in with more labor intensive or complex dishes to avoid burning out in the kitchen.  Another way I simplify my life is I always make enough food to have leftovers so I don't have to worry about lunch.  And if you have time on the weekend, do as much prep as you can to make the work week a breeze!  Good luck everyone!

How have you been prepping for a healthy 2015? 


  1. The Paleo nachos were SO good! Thanks for all your awesome advise yesterday! xo

    1. You're so welcome! I love talking Whole30 :D Thanks for coming over!

  2. Love this!! all great recipes. I especially LOVE the chili cilantro lime crock pot chicken - one of my all-time favorite recipes, and I totally forgot about it until now! :)

    1. I've never made it before! Glad to hear the good review :)

  3. I'm bookmarking those nachos for later. Yum!

  4. Hey! I'm in Philly and doing a whole 30 this month as well! On Day 7- so far so good! The menu plan looks great, I need to get this organized!

    1. I don't think I would survive without my meal plan! I'm going to post the next few days soon.


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