
Friday, January 9, 2015

January Whole30: Days 1 - 5

As Day 5 comes to a close, I'm happy this weekend is pretty open for me.  I'm definitely feeling exhausted, which is right on schedule with the timeline.  Day 6 and 7 are "I just want a nap..." so I'm planning on relaxing... and cooking of course!  5 days down, 25 to go.  So far so good!

Day 1, Monday 1/5/15 - I started the week with a bang and worked out at 6 am, which was possibly my first Monday morning class ever!  I didn't have breakfast since I burned out on cooking on Sunday and didn't finish my casserole, so I was starving for lunch.  I stuffed my face with a huge taco salad, an apple, and a clementine.  Dinner came out great, lemon artichoke chicken is such a simple but delicious meal.  I went to bed at 9 pm in anticipation of feeling crappy. Today was pretty easy.

Day 2, Tuesday 1/6/15 - My legs hurt SO bad!  I was definitely happy I had bfast this morning.  It really hit the spot.  Lunch wasn't huge, but it was perfectly satisfying.  I was waiting to feel like crap, but I felt good for the entire workday.  However, I went super downhill after I left work and literally felt like I was dying.  My head hurt so bad.  I struggled to eat dinner and spent the rest of the night sleeping.  I also struggled to get an appealing picture of the Portobello Pizzas.

A close up of my breakfast for the week.

Day 3, Wednesday 1/7/15 - My legs were still killing me but at least I didn't have a headache.  I skipped my planned workout because I felt so crappy the night before and figured my legs wouldn't mind the extra rest day.  I felt kinda blah midday so I took some ibuprofen, I could NOT do a repeat of the night before.  My zucchini noodles came out good, but I just can't seem to master a thick Paleo "cream" sauce.  I randomly added some beef with caramelized onions to our dinner plan since we got free samples from a meal delivery service rep earlier in the week.

Day 4, Thursday 1/8/15 - Another 6 am workout in the books.  The heat isn't working in our section of the gym (we have a room in a big sports complex building).  It was 46 degrees in the gym when I got there!  I was so cold I did my warm up in my shin length winter coat.  My tummy seems like it's debloating from all the crap I ate beforehand, so that's nice.  My lunch was sort of light today, so I was extra ready for dinner.  The chicken came out great in the crock pot and guac is my favorite thing in the world.  I got a little feisty when Dave got home (Days 4 & 5 are labeled as "kill ALL the things!" in the Whole30 timeline) but I quickly realized what was happening and stopped myself.

Day 5, Friday 1/9/15 - I intended on working out in the morning, but sleep won out!  The lack of heat at the gym was also a deterrent.  I'm surprised at how hungry I've been in the morning since I usually don't eat anything for breakfast.  I went to the mall and to two different grocery stores after work so didn't start cooking dinner until 9 pm.  I was pretty hungry by then, but not starving.  I popped some fresh blueberries in my mouth to hold me over.  They were so delicious.  Dinner wasn't so bad either!  The homemade mango salsa over tilapia was definitely a treat.

If you're interested in the food in my photos, go check out my meal plan!

Worst part:  The crazy headache on Tuesday!  I knew it was coming since I ate so terribly before I started, but it was truly awful.

Best part:  My clothes are already fitting better and my skin is clearing up!  My energy levels are also a lot more even throughout the day, aka no afternoon slump.

Favorite meal:  The Lemon Artichoke Chicken from Practical Paleo on Monday night (tonight's dinner was a close second), it's so easy and simple, but so delicious.  I honestly never thought I'd be into cookbooks, but ever since Heather bought me that book over 2 years ago, my views have been changed.  It includes a lot of understandable explanations about why you would want to follow Paleo as well as many simple but flavorful recipes to ease the average Joe into the world of Paleo cooking.  It was a perfect first step into Paleo for me.  Also, I know there are infinite recipes online, but there's just something about having the book right in front of me as I cook.  And I love the beautiful photography.  The Against All Grain cookbook just arrived on my doorstep today and I can't wait to find some new favorites.

Thing That I'm Loving Most:  The facebook support group!  I've done this with previous Whole30s and the group has been beneficial, but it's never been this large.  There are 23 people in the group and everyone is constantly interacting: posting pictures of their meals, sharing recipes, asking questions, and providing a ton of support for each other.  I am loving this group so much and I know it is making the Whole30 easier for all of us!

Do you have any fun plans for this weekend?  Are you cooking up anything interesting?



  1. I'm totally drooling over all your food pics!

    1. Thanks! Halfway through the week I decided I should probably start using my camera instead of my phone. I'm trying to improve my food photos!

  2. Woah, LOVE all those meal ideas! I've never made portobello pizzas before, will definitely have to try those out. And good for you doing 6am workouts! Great to get it out of the way and feel awesome (if not really sore) the rest of the day :)

    1. Thank you! I usually feel awesome that day... and then the next day my body is like what happened?! Haha.

  3. I'm so impressed at your dedication! I feel like I just wouldn't have it in me to commit to such a regimented program - good for you! You're doing amazing!

    1. Thanks :) I actually love that the rules are so strict. It takes the choice out of my hands!

  4. Hi Amber! I've never tried the Whole30 challenge and would love to do it and see the benefits. Hang in there! You're doing great! :)


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