
Sunday, July 27, 2014

My July Whole25: Days 16 - 21

Day 16 - Tuesday 7/22/14
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee and a slice of my egg casserole
  • Lunch: I went out with a coworker after a field meeting, they really didn't have much in the way of compliant choices, so I went with a chicken caesar with no croutons.  I'm sure the dressing was a cheat and obviously the sprinkle of cheese!  It wasn't a cheesesteak!
  • Snack: A peach
  • Dinner: Lemon Ginger Chicken from The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook with Asian Cauliflower Fried Rice, super yummy!
  • Workout: CrossFit at 6 am! The WOD was:
    • 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
    • 25-20-15-10-5 Snatches
    • Alternating between (22 min cap)
I finished in 17:05 and used 35 lbs for the snatch.  I also walked Puddin' and did some pull ups on my neighbors homemade pull up bar!
  • Sleep: 6.5 hours
  • Thoughts: More temptations at work, a free ice cream social that I successfully avoided.  I was SUPER exhausted by the end of the day.

Day 17 - Wednesday 7/23/14
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee and a slice of my egg casserole + a little bit of sweet potato
  • Lunch: I went out to celebrate a coworker who is getting married over the weekend.  I had a salad with grilled chicken, bacon, cheddar, spicy pecans, red peppers, tomatoes, red onions, with garlic ranch.  I ordered it without croutons and I gave away the roll that came with it.  I could should have ordered it without the cheese and just topped with oil & vinegar instead of the dressing it came with.
  • Dinner: Leftover Lemon Ginger Chicken in an Asian inspired salad with cabbage, carrots, celery, snap peas, jalapeno, scallions, sesame seeds, mandarin oranges, and sliced almonds, dressed in some marinade I put aside when I made the chicken.  This was awesome!
  • Workout: CrossFit at 6 am - Strength portion: Front squat, 2 reps EMOM for 10 minutes at 80% of max.  I did 95 lbs, which was light for my 140 lbs front squat, but these were so tough!  The WOD was a 10 minute AMRAP:
    • As many wallballs as possible
    • Every time you took a break you had to do 10 toes to bar
I completed 67 reps.  I guess I could've pushed myself through more wallballs, but my legs were cooked from those front squats and I know I got a good workout.  I also took Puddin' for a walk, but as always, it was a slow one.
  • Sleep: 6.5 hours
  • Thoughts: Yay for easy dinners that remix other meals!

Day 18 - Thursday 7/24/14
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee and a slice of my egg casserole + a little bit of sweet potato
  • Lunch: Leftover Lemon Ginger Chicken from The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook with Asian Cauliflower Fried Rice.  Another free lunch at work that I skipped and brought my own. 
  • Snack: Some cherries
  • Dinner: Steak fajitas, yum!  I sauteed some onions and peppers in ghee with a chipotle spice blend, Dave grilled the steak, and I whipped up some homemade guac with an avocado, some onion and tomato, a little minced jalapeno, some lime juice, salt, and cilantro.  We topped everything with a few chunks of tomato and a bit of salsa.  So simple and so yummy.
  • Workout: Walk with Puddin'
  • Sleep: 7.5 hours
  • Thoughts: I prepped the Lamb Meatballs with Paleo Tzatziki Sauce for the dinner tomorrow night, so I can just relax and enjoy while I'm there, but the time I was done with that and our dinner I was feeling super burnt out in the kitchen.  I'm thinking some super quick and easy recipes will be making an appearance in next week's meal plan!

Day 19 - Friday 7/25/14
  • Breakfast: Cup of coffee and a slice of my egg casserole + a little bit of sweet potato
  • Lunch: Leftover Lemon Ginger Chicken from The 21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook with Asian Cauliflower Fried Rice
  • Snack: More coffee!
  • Dinner: Greek Night!  Lamb Meatballs with Paleo Tzatziki Sauce, some baba ganoush, souvlaki (pork, chicken, and veggie kabobs - compliant except for a splash of soy sauce), and some Greek salad (hold the feta, womp).  I also tried a small slice of moussaka because my coworker went through quite a process to create this new to me dish and YOLO.
  • Snack: Kombucha
  • Workout: 6 am CF 80 lbs power clean
  • Sleep: 5.5 hours (woof!), they have been doing construction on a water main the road near my house for what feels like forever.  Usually it's not that big of a deal, but when they were jack hammering the pavement at 11:30 pm last night, I was super pissed!  "Oh it's so cool out, let's open the windows and turn off the AC."  Fail.
  • Thoughts:  My tummy felt kinda bloated when we left the dinner, I know there was flour and some other non compliant items in the moussaka.  Or maybe it was the soy sauce that got me.  Either way, I could've been more strict at this event.

Day 20 - Saturday 7/26/14
  • Brunch: Some leftover steak and cumin carrots
  • Snack: More coffee!
  • Grazing all day: I was pretty loose at the Christmas in July pool party we attended.  I ate some meatballs, buffalo chicken, pulled pork, and wings that I'm sure were not compliant due to marinades and sauces.  I made a Pinterest inspired veggie tray (shaped like a Christmas Tree... totally thought I took a picture of this, but couldn't find it) and served it with some guac to guarantee I'd have some veggies, but I also picked some out of the pasta salad (that probably had some non compliant dressing on them).  I ate some watermelon and had a Trilogy flavored kombucha.
  • Workout: Nada
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Thoughts: The Whole30 is so easy when I'm cooking, but when I'm at parties and restaurants I just can't justify being "that person."  I don't have an autoimmune disease, I don't have horrible acne, I'm not morbidly obsese, I don't have Celiac's... am I doing a proper Whole30?  No.  Am I changing my eating habits for the better?  Yes.

 Day 21 - Sunday 7/27/14
  • Breakfast: Coffee
  • Lunch: Apparently bridal showers are my downfall... I ate some salad, grilled veggies, a super cheesy eggplant rollatini, some chicken parm, some chicken francese... oh and a cupcake with extra frosting!  And a tiny bite of crumb cake, that wasn't worth it, so I didn't eat the rest.  Coffee.
  • Dinner: Chipotle bowl with carnitas, mild & green salsa, lettuce, and guacamole
  • Workout: Spent 5.5 hours in the car today, ain't nobody got time fo dat
  • Sleep: 6.75 hours
  • Thoughts: Mehhh, what can I say?  The cheesy food was definitely a cheat, but a cupcake?!  My sister and my mom started indulging in their cupcakes and could not stop raving about the amazing icing.  Michelle even said it was the best icing she ever tasted.  I decided it was worth it.  No joke, the icing tasted like butter.  It was DELICIOUS.

Again... I am not the poster child for a perfect Whole30, but I'm just trying to keep it real on the blog!  Tomorrow is a new day.  Time to get back on track and finish strong.

What do you do when you fall off the wagon?

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