
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My April Whole30: Days 9 & 10

Day 9




Sleep (Last Night): 7.5 hours

Workout: Rest day (cheer meeting)

Thoughts:  I went to a lunch with free hoagies, but I wasn't jealous because the chicken leftovers were so amazing.  I cooked stuffed mushrooms with my mom and the whole family liked it!  I felt pretty great for the whole day, but ended up with a little headache before bed.

 Day 10:


 Only ate about half of the pot roast, potatoes, and carrots that I brought.



Sleep (Last Night): 7.25 hours

Workout: 2 hours of volleyball

Thoughts:  I feel like I'm probably eating too much fruit.  But I still know fruit is so much better than other choices I could be making.  I have a lot of energy during the day at work.  I don't have any interest in coffee.

Dinner was not compliant.  We had stuffed mushrooms which were made up of crab, salsa, cheese and possibly some mayo to bind it, tator tot casserole with sour cream and cheese, and coleslaw that most likely had mayo and/or some type of sugar.  I felt overly full and SO bloated.  Dave acknowledged the feeling as well.  Dave's mom doesn't know much about Paleo and isn't really interesting in learning more about it.  Her cooking is always delicious and we felt compelled to eat her meal.  I probably could've stayed away from the tator tot casserole completely.  Hello food with no brakes.

Does your family support your healthy eating efforts?


  1. yes they do but I have to cook and bring food, they'll happily hold the dressing and sauces on my account too...gotta love them. Still great couple of days! And I don't think I'd worry so much about the fruit :-)

  2. Love the new pic of you on the blog. Beautiful!! :) If anyone paid attention to how much fruit I eat, it wouldn't be good. I just love it so much!

  3. Love your new pic! Your lunch from Day 9 looks amazing and filling :-)

  4. My family is pretty much anti-real food. Seriously... If you go into my parents house you won't find any real food. Maybe some cashews.... It's all processed- american cheese, skim milk, white bread, chips, frozen meals, junk cereal... Most of the time I can't even find a snack if I'm over there. No joke. You would have thought I would have rubbed off on them a little. Nope. When I go over there for dinner most of the time I bring my own food like Jess. They don't care but they do make comments that it looks gross and stuff. It's something I just deal with. I know what I'm doing is right but I don't push it on them. Such a tricky situation!

  5. Love, love, love the new picture on the blog! Keep up the good work with the whole30!

  6. You've just lit the Interwebs in fire with that new pic. Smokin!!! go girl!


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