
Monday, April 8, 2013

My April Whole30: Day 8




Dates don't photograph very well.


Sleep (Last Night): 7.75 hours

Workout: 30 minute leisurely walk with Puddin'

Thoughts:  I felt fairly energized today without any coffee or tea.  Breakfast was yummy.  I got to eat lunch outside today for the first time since the fall and it was glorious!

A good portion of my evening with spent making an epic dinner.  I made the Blue Ribbon Country Captain Chicken from Well Fed and it's ridiculous.  It's a chicken dish that involves peppers, onions, raisins, scallions, bacon, garlic, almonds, and some curry powder to boot!  It also involved a lot of bacon grease and coconut oil splattering all over my stove top.  I made a ridiculous amount of chicken, so this will definitely be on the menu.

I'm making some adjustments to our meal plan.  Wednesday night we'll be having dinner at Dave's parents' house with his grandparents.  Our meals won't be fully compliant but I'll consider it a success if I can manage to avoid the dessert!  I won't be making the Chorizo Meatballs, but between the pork, chicken, and pot roast, I think we'll be ok without it!  So much cooking!!!!

Have you been cooking anything ridiculous lately?


  1. That looks very good!!!!!

    Haven't cooked any thing ridiculous...sorry lol

  2. Great day! I have to modify our weekly plan at time too (the kids will whine about wanting chicken instead of beef or something like that).

  3. They may not photograph well, but dates are one of my favorite "candies". :) The chicken dish sounds delicious--and leftovers are an amazing thing, especially at the beginning of the week. Have a good one!

  4. Dates slathered with peanut butter (or almond butter) is one of my favorite snacks. Sweet and salty, yum!

  5. I need to get "Well Fed". Everything I make from Melissa's website had been the bomb. That chicken looks too good.


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