
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My April Whole30: Days 29 & 30

Day 29




Apparently I had the munchies at work!

Lettuce, onion, carrot, tomato, bacon, avocado, and leftover
Buffalo Chicken Meatloaf topped with Red Hot.  Best salad ever!

Sleep (Last Night):  9.5 hours!

Workout: CrossFit!  The strength skill portion was 20 minutes of working  up to your max clean.  I cleaned 75 lbs!  I'm definitely still trying to correct my technique. The WOD was 4 rounds of 2 cleans at 95% (70 lbs for me) and 9 plate burpees with a 15 lbs plate (15 lbs for women, 25 for men) with a 3 minute break between each round.  I finished in 12:35!

Thoughts: So I think all my Paleo treats this weekend really fed my sugar dragon, because I wanted to eat anything and everything after lunch.  I should not be eating fruit (especially not dried fruit) all day!  I think boredom is also contributing.  I need to control myself.

I felt kinda blah heading to CrossFit, which then turned into my head throbbing so hard that it was difficult to drive home!  I'm not sure what caused my headache, but lifting heavy right in front of the speakers certainly did not help.

Day 30





Sleep (Last Night):  9 hours!

Workout:  Cheer practice but it wasn't much of a workout for me today.

Thoughts:  I wasn't really hungry for dinner and I didn't have much time to prep and eat anyway, so I just ate a hard boiled egg and some strawberries.

Day 30!  This month was a long one and I am so ready for the end!  Before and after pictures to come soon!

Have you ever done a 30 day challenge?


  1. You are a Larabar addict lol. Congrats on the 75 lb clean! I clean (&press) the bar for my squats, and I just managed 70 lbs myself. Yay us. The transition to 80 lbs is going to be a while I think for me though. It's not so much the clean, it's the press, up and over my head that I'm finding most difficult. Can't wait to see your final results!

  2. Awesome effort on the clean! I missed lifting this month and can't wait to get back into it. Can't wait for you final thoughts on your whole30. Yay it's was a long one!

  3. Congrats on getting through April! You did a great job!

  4. Congrats on finishing the Whole 30!


  5. Woot! Congrats and great job!


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