
Monday, April 29, 2013

My April Whole30: Days 25, 26, 27, & 28

Day 25


Avocado chicken salad, leftover brussel sprouts, almond stuffed olives, and strawberries.

A makeshift taco salad aka a burger chopped up with some
black olives, onions, and salsa over a bed of lettuce.

Sleep (Last Night): 7 hours

Workout: Cheer practice

Thoughts:  My tummy was on the fritz all afternoon!  I think I'm blaming the excessive amount of coconut cream I consumed the night before because breakfast and lunch were so simple.  Not fun.

Day 26

Coconut, spinach, banana, frozen pineapple, and a splash of pineapple juice.


A few Coconut Macaroons (some consumed in the afternoon when I was baking,
some later in the evening), plus strawberries and Green Apple Coconut Treats

Sleep (Last Night): 5.5 hours, woof!  Since I didn't have work the next day and I wanted to be productive I headed to the grocery store after cheerleading on Thursday night, then I wrote a blog post, packed, caught up on blogs, did some online shopping, etc.  Next thing I knew I was like, OMG I should be in bed!

Workout: I'm going to count shredding 4 sweet potatoes with a hand grater, so labor intensive.  I'm dreaming of a food processor!

Thoughts:  My day off wasn't relaxing at all.  My dentist appointment wasn't exactly fun and then I busted my butt to get all of our weekend eats ready.  Dave helped me when he got home because my cooking plans were a little ambitious.  The Coconut Macaroons came out perfect and I will definitely be making them again.  The Green Apple Coconut Treats never reached the right consistency, which is probably because I used coconut cream instead of coconut cream concentrate (didn't realize there was a difference), so they never really formed into little candies.  I ended up dumping it all into one container and we picked at it throughout the weekend.  It was still delicious and I think the consistency ended up closer to ice cream, so I may be experimenting with the recipe to make some kind of coconut ice cream!

We headed down the shore around 4 pm.  By the time we got there, settled in, and made dinner, I was ready to crash.  We played some hilarious rounds of Scattergories and then went to bed.

Day 27



Plus some swordfish and asparagus I forgot to take a picture of, whoops!

 The Lava Flows were so yummy!

Late Night:
I made the Buffalo Chicken Meatloaf at 1:30 am for my drunk friends haha!
Plus some Bacon Avocado Cups with Balsamic Glaze.

There were also some Coconut Macaroons, grapes, strawberries, and Green Apple Coconut Treats consumed throughout the day.

Sleep (Last Night): 9 hours

Workout: 20 minute relaxing walk with Puddin', a few random push ups, lots of dancing at the bar!

Thoughts:  I feel like I definitely overindulged with my Paleo treats, but I stayed strong avoiding booze, onion rings, and a very tempting chocolate cupcake.  The Bacon and Maple Meatballs came out great and so did the Buffalo Chicken Meatloaf!  I'll definitely be making both again, nom nom!

We had perfect weather all day!  We hit two different beaches and even Puddin' got to come along.  She loves sunbathing like her mama.

Started in a hoodie and yoga pants... stripped down to just my bathing suit!

Day 28

Brunch: A repeat of yesterday's breakfast meatballs, sweet potato fritters, grapes, and some more buffalo chicken meatloaf.  I also finished the Green Apple Coconut Treats and probably popped a Coconut Macaroon or two.

Leftover kielbasa and sauerkraut with some spinach and mushrooms,
along with some leftover avocado cups.

Sleep (Last Night): 6 hours + 1 hour nap

Workout: Rest

Thoughts:  I stayed up until 3 am on Saturday, which I have not done in quite some time!  I wish that I was able to sleep in, but sleeping in till 9 is late these days!  I felt ok through the first part of the day, but I definitely hit a wall and felt so run down.  An hour nap helped, but I couldn't wait to get home and get in my bed!

I think my friends enjoyed my Paleo cooking, even my (self proclaimed) picky friend!  And we even have some leftovers to enjoy throughout the week.  So close!!!

How was your weekend?  Did you spend some time outside?


  1. I think you did great! Hope you have a wonderful final day....

  2. Looks like such a fun weekend! And so many of your meals look and sound delicious. How much fun to have some of your friends experiencing the way you eat . . . and enjoying it!! What's not to enjoy, though? :)

  3. ohhhhh I love those avocado cups!! I have to have them next time I get an avo. Hey great job! Bring on your last day, I just finished day 30...phew I never thought it was going to come.

  4. What a beautiful weekend you had for the shore! :)

  5. Almost to the finish line on day 30 - congrats!!

  6. I could really use a boiled egg right now. Avocado chicken salad sounds tasty, too.


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