
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gym Time!

I am officially a member of my local YMCA!


It's no secret I've been losing my running mojo for a while now and after the 10K, I decided I was pretty much over it.  Don't get me wrong, training for my half marathon was great.  I really enjoyed running at the time and I'm so proud of myself.  But now I'm ready for the next chapter!

I've totally been craving the gym.  Although I can do plenty of workouts at home in my living room, the gym setting really motivates me.  If I'm at home, I can do 5 minutes and then get distracted and quit.  When I'm at the gym, I feel compelled to get something done.  If I made it there, I might as well make the most out of my time.  I also enjoy the people watching aspect (need to get better at not getting caught though, commence awkward eye contact!) and watching other people get their sweat on makes me want to do more.

Plus there's such a variety offered to me in a gym setting.  The YMCA offers a weight room, two indoor tracks, two indoor pools, and a variety of classes.  I need to decide which class(es) I want to sign up for for the new year!  They offer a ton, some of which are free and some of which aren't.  We'll see but I do have my eye on a kickboxing class.

Last night I got to do somethings I haven't done in a while including bench press and some
assisted pull ups. One day I will do multiple assisted pull ups, one day! Today I'm sore and it
feels great!

Do you enjoy going to the gym?


  1. Good for you! I LOVE going to a gym to workout. There are so many less distractions than at home, so it forces me to focus on what I'm there to do. I also really like my gym--it's a very small, no frills, family owned place--and I wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

  2. Your YMCA is so nice! I love going to the gym. It makes me feel so much more motivated.

  3. Congrats on getting back to the gym! It sounds like they have a lot of great options there.

  4. hooray for YMCA! I gotta re-sign up. I cancelled my family membership this summer (I wasn't using it) without realizing just how much my kid was going there with his friends. whoops!


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