
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Reflections

The past few days have been a whirlwind of celebrations filled with family, traditions, and endless feasting.  To say I am blessed would be an understatement.  I received many thoughtful gifts, I savored more than my share of multiple delicious holiday dishes, and I got to spend some quality time with my loved ones.  Waking up to a thin blanket of snow this morning was the icing on the cake!

I’m really enjoying blending my family traditions with Dave’s, and making some of our own along the way.  Cutting down our own tree with Dave’s parents, my mom’s homemade pierogies, feeling like a big girl sending out my own Christmas cards, running outside in the cold with no coat on when Santa comes down the street on a fire truck at my parents’ house, singing Silent Night in church only by candle light (well, battery operated candle light since someone lit their hair on fire a few years ago), and oh my goodness, the cookies!!!  I only dream of baking cookies as delicious as our moms’, they are both so amazing in the kitchen.  Puddin’ was sufficiently spoiled and I’d say we were too.  I may or may not have gained 7 lbs over the long weekend.

There’s so much preparation and anticipation leading up to the holiday and I can’t believe it has come and gone.  Now I’m feeling slightly run down from all the running and the reality of waking up for work tomorrow is setting in.  The holidays are a lovely time of the year, but I am looking forward the less busy feel of January.  I look forward to clean eats, a busy gym buzzing with New Years motivation, catching up with friends that I couldn’t connect with over the holidays, and maybe even some weekends with no plans other than cuddling on the couch while something simmers in the crockpot.

Oh wait, we still have another long weekend filled with celebrations!  On that note, my bed is calling me.  Merry Christmas to you and yours.  I hope Santa was good to you and you find yourself in good health.

What’s your favorite Christmas tradition?


  1. Sounds like you had a magical holiday! :)

  2. Homemade pierogies? I WANT! And what is it about Santa on that fire truck that makes us abandon any care about freezing weather outside? I freaking love it.


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