
Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Resolutions–How did I do?

Almost a year ago, I did what a lot of people do… I vowed to make 2012 a good one and made some New Years Resolutions!  I looked at these a few times throughout the year to stay on track.  Overall, I did pretty well, there were some I could’ve definitely done better at (cough.breaking up with the snooze button.cough), but there’s always next year!



  • Eat less meat
    • At the time my goal was to learn to make more vegetarian entrees and change up some meaty meals using some portabellos or homemade veggie patties.  My views on meat have sort of changed since I made this goal.  I am now eating plenty of meat without regret, but I buy organic, local, and grass-fed when I can.  I need to make this more of a priority in the new year.  Let’s call this one N/A.
  • Eat more whole foods, less processed junk
    • B+, I have definitely been working on this over the whole year, but for the past few months I’ve really noticed the difference from cutting down on bread, pasta, bagels, etc.
  • Eat more veggies and fruit
    • A-, I think I’ve been pretty successful in keeping our fridge stocked and trying out new varieties like spaghetti squash and recently arugula!
  • Eat less cheese
    • Ummmm, still working on this one – C.


  • Stop snoozing my alarm, get up the first time it goes off
    • D, I can’t say this has been a success.  I’ve done better at getting up sooner, but I’m still a fan of the snooze button.
  • Be more productive at work
    • B-, this could still use more work but I’ve definitely been pushing myself.
  • Take another grad class
    • F, I failed at this one!  Between running, cheerleading, and all those weddings, I didn’t really have the urge to squeeze in a class.  I did apply to sit for my professional engineering exam in the spring, so that was a positive.
  • Create a budget and save money
    • B-, I didn’t create a budget, but I did set up an automatic transfer to move some money to my savings.  I’ve also been saving some money in an additional account and I’ve been paying extra to my school loans.  I feel like I could still use more structure, but overall not too shabby!
  • Give the blog a more permanent makeover
    • A, I did this a while ago, but now I’m thinking I want to do another blog makeover in the new year!

Did you make any resolutions in 2012?  How did you do?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your accomplishments in 2012! And, good work on actually going back and looking at your goals - sometimes I am back about making goals and not going back to actually look at them!


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