
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

I am thankful for my good health.  Dave and I woke up and ran a chilly 2 miles on the trail behind our house.  I felt surprisingly good considering how much running I haven’t been doing lately.  The sun was shining and it was a great way to start the day.  We are doing a Burn off the Bird 5K on Saturday with some friends!

burn off the bird

I am thankful for my plethora of friends.  Some I’ve known since elementary and middle school, others I just met this year, I am surrounded by a huge group of supportive, loving, hilarious, amazing people.  We attended two different Friendsgiving celebrations this season and my heart is full.

I am thankful for my family.  I love living with Dave, and Puddin’ perfectly completes our little family.  This turkey day we headed to Lancaster to spend the holiday with Dave’s family, it was kind of strange because it was my first Thanksgiving away from my family, but the food was delicious and I’m grateful that Dave’s family is so welcoming.  And our alternating schedule means we will spend Christmas Day with my family!

I am thankful for spandex pants, a perfect Thanksgiving stuff your face uniform.

I am thankful for my job, a roof over my head, and all the fortune in my life that I tend to take for granted.  Especially in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and with so many people still dealing with the effects of the storm, I am so grateful for all that I have and I need to remember how good I have it throughout the entire year.  I am spoiled.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday!  Don’t forget to appreciate all your blessings today.


  1. Hey!
    Was just browsing through your blog - Happy Thanksgiving!

    I love the recent wedding you posted pictures of - love weddings!

  2. And I am grateful for YOU in my life! Through my Shayna, I have come to love and admire you since you were just a young'in. I am so proud of the beautiful woman you have become and have enjoyed seeing your amazing life unfold. Happy Thanksgiving, keep counting those blessings, for the more you count, the more you will have to count! Hugs to you.

  3. Missed you guys yesterday~we had a nice visit with mom, dad and Tom...missed my girls though;). Happy times had by all!


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