
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Burn off the Bird 5K Race Recap

Dave and I arrived at the race with plenty of time to pick up our bibs and shirts, meet up with our friends Karisa, Frank, and Ashley, and utilize the indoor restrooms (race day gem)!  It was in the high 30s, which we were pretty pumped about since the forecast was calling for overnight lows in the 20s, and it was nice and sunny.  The wind was whipping but we just kept trying to remind ourselves that it could’ve been raining… or snowing!  The race included a long sleeve tech T, which I can definitely use more of, and the turkey on the front makes me giggle.
After a quick warm up in the parking lot, we headed to the starting line.  There was some confusion but before we knew it, we were off!  Dave and I decided to do our best, but we knew our lack of training meant we weren’t destined for any new PRs.  The first mile went by quickly and we were running faster than I expected.  Apparently we were feeling great, because the second mile was even faster!  There were some killer hills throughout the course, but running Valley Forge continues to pay off because we found ourselves passing multiple people up the inclines!
The third mile was definitely the hardest.  I really wasn’t feeling our pace anymore, but Dave kept pushing me to finish strong.  We were also following a dad pushing his two daughters in a stroller and let me tell you, both kids looked like they were pretty much pushing the size limits on that stroller, and I just kept thinking, if he can do this, so can I!  I knew that in a matter of minutes it would all be over and soon enough we were rounding a corner and could see the finish line.
We pushed ourselves hard on the last 0.1 and we finished!
Like I said, definitely not a PR, but we were super proud of our time and it was a great warm up for our postponed race next weekend!  We celebrated completing the race by having a big bacon filled brunch with Karisa and Frank, I couldn’t think of a better way to cap off the morning!
How did you burn off the bird this week?  Did you run any turkey themed races?


  1. Way to go! I visited my Grandma for a couple days after Thanksgiving, so I think between eating super healthy, walking at the park a few times, and resting a lot, our bodies had a chance to recuperate. Plus, we didn't eat WAY too much on Thanksgiving- although I did try a little bit of each of the desserts, and they were yummy! Miss you, love the shirt. Go turkey, go!

  2. This year was actually the first in a long time that we didn't do an official Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving-- kind of made me sad! I went for a run on my own, but it's just not the same (plus you don't get a t-shirt, ha).


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