
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Well Adjusted

Remember when I wrote in my blog consistently?  Yeah, me neither.

The past few weeks have been filled with coaching cheerleading twice a week, trying to fit in my runs (epic fail this week), and planning back to back bachelorette parties.  Add in a big meeting and my yearly review at work, this week was a bit stressful to say the least.  I’m not sure if it was all the stress or maybe it was getting whacked in the face by a cheerleader, but I found myself battling a strange headache at the end of the week.  I would get a sharp stabbing pain in the back of my head for a few seconds and then it would go away like nothing happened.  I dealt with it on Thursday with pain reliever and caffeine and thought a good night of sleep would help me out, but when I woke up on Friday feeling even worse I knew I had to do something about it.  I called out of work and headed to the chiropractor.

I never really knew the benefits of getting adjusted until about two years ago when I was randomly bending over (not even lifting anything) and suddenly felt like a crippled grandma.  My back pain was relieved by regular visits to the chiropractor and boom, I was a believer.  Since then I’ve been going on a semi regular basis and although I don’t go as often as I should, I always feel fabulous when I make time in my schedule to get there.  It doesn’t hurt that my chiropractor is always glowing with positivity and her attitude is contagious!

After getting adjusted I felt immediate relief and was hoping my mysterious flash headaches were gone.  I was still feeling a twinge here and there throughout the rest of the day, but nothing like I was feeling beforehand.  Fortunately my chiropractor is the mother of the bride of the bachelorette party I had yesterday, so after a quick adjustment during the winetasting, I was finally feeling 100%.  I haven’t had any mysterious flash headache pain since, thank goodness!  And the bachelorette party was amazing!

Healthy living blogs have really opened my eyes to the world of alternative medicine.  Obviously doctors, hospitals, and modern medicine are awesome and they will always play a role in my life.  But it’s nice to know that sometimes it’s just a matter of putting my spine back into alignment.

I owe you guys a photo dump, some training updates, and a fun recipe.  Can we please add some hours into the day?!  Maybe just an 8th day into the week, another day in the weekend obviously.  Mmmmkay thanks!

Do you get adjusted?  Have you ever healed an ailment with natural methods?


  1. Oh boy, I LOVE the idea of an eighth day in the week. Who do we talk to about making that happen? ;-)

  2. I have always wanted to go to the chiropractor. I wish my insurance covered it!


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