
Monday, September 3, 2012

10K Training: Week 1

victory for voices

After not running for almost a month, I was a little bit rusty but it felt great to get out and start training for my 10K!

Week 1:
- Monday, 1.5 mi, 14:40
- Thursday, 2 mi trail run, 22:00
- Sunday, 2.3 mi with Dave, 24:00
- Total Mileage = 5.8 mi

I really hate running in the heat and I’m definitely not in the shape that I was a few months ago.  It almost feels like I’m starting from scratch, but this time around I have a lot more experience and knowledge to go off of and I know the runs will get better.  The weather will cool down, my body will adjust, and hopefully I can get some group runs in with some of my other friends who signed up for the race!  I sucked a bunch of my friends into doing the 5K and some of them are even shooting for the 10K!  Super pumped!

I'm still logging my miles over at Daily Mile, come be friends with me there!

Do you have any new fitness goals?


  1. Congrats on getting off to a good new start on your training schedule! I hate running in the heat too but hopefully it will cool off soon for you!

  2. Nice work getting started on a new training plan! I'd love to start running for real and train for a 5K of my own at some point.

  3. I totally agree. For me, running in the heat is 100x's more difficult than running when it's cooler - for me, at least. That's why I only sign up for races in the fall!


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