
Monday, June 11, 2012

A Love Affair

Before I met Dave, I’d always heard about Cape May, but I’d never been there before. When he told me that his parents’ had a beach house, I was so pumped that it didn’t matter where it was. Fast forward three summers later and I’m officially a beach snob.

The houses and hotels are all gorgeous, I love the old Victorian style. The beach is huge and never overcrowded, so there’s plenty of space for sunbathing and playing games without feeling like you’re on top of your neighbors. I see dolphins every single time I’m there. The houses aren’t awkwardly close to each other and they actually have yards (real yards with grass, unlike most shore towns in Jersey with tiny “yards” full of stones or sand). There isn’t a traditional boardwalk, which may be a negative to some people, but I’ll take a paved boardwalk for running and a cute outdoor mall area for shopping and eating instead.

Did I mention that there are tons of delicious eats? Our new fave breakfast spot is a place called The Y.B. Eat Place. When you pass it on the street, it doesn’t look like much. We didn’t even know it existed until the hostess at our fave place, George’s, told us there was an hour wait but that we should try the new place down the street. The Y.B. stands for younger brother, aka George’s younger brother! Although they offer the standard breakfast choices, their specialty dishes are what really shine. Rice crispy treat french toast, a breakfast club sandwich on fresh sourdough, or how about a breakfast flatbread with two types of cheese and some chorizo? Yes, please.

They have lunch and dinner, but we never make it there since we’re either sitting on the beach or enjoying the amazing home cooked meals Dave’s mom never fails to whip up.

This beach weekend was a little different than our typical trip, we took a little detour and headed to visit Ben and Josh at their dad’s beach house near LBI. The visit included friends, cocktails, and some picturesque views.

I can’t wait for our next trip there so we can spend some time on the boat. Who knows when that will be since we have some super busy weekends coming up! But I do know we’re headed to Cape May for the 4th of July. Until then my love, I miss you already. 

Did you do anything special this weekend?


  1. LOVE these pictures, makes me want to go to Cape May (I don't think I've ever been)...or to any beach, really :) We went to a wedding this weekend in Kempton and it was a blast. Makes me smile thinking about all the other weddings coming up and what a fun Summer/next couple of years we're going to have!

  2. JEALOUS! I hope to get to the beach at least ONCE this summer!! Ps. What camera do you use? Love your shots! :)

    1. Just my Canon PowerShot, but I recently downloaded Windows Live Writer and it has some photo editing capabilities!

  3. Puddin doesn't look like a beach snob!

    1. Puddin' is definitely a beach snob... she loves the fenced in yard at the Cape May house. You can't find that in other shore towns haha.

  4. I love these pictures! Did you change cameras? I can't wait to spend weekends down at the shore (at either Dad's or Cape May) together <3

    1. Thanks :) and no, but I did some photo editing. Windows Live Writer is sweet, but then I had some issues loading the post. Gotta figure it out because apparently the photo editing is worth it!

  5. were those pictures in Mystic Island?

    1. Are you talking about the Bay shots? Those are from Waretown, NJ. I've never been to Mystic Island!

  6. Looks like a great time! I miss East Coast beaches!

  7. That is such a gorgeous beach - and the breakfast flatbread looks like a great way to fuel up for a day of playing in the water. Our beaches are a little more chaotic and spring break-y, but it's always a fun (even if not relaxing) experience!

  8. Great pictures! You and your bf are so cute!

  9. I was just in Cape May this week for the first time - we normally go to Ocean City and Stone Harbor - and absolutely adored it. What a charming town! I'd love, love, love to go back again! :)

  10. That looks like a great place to vacation!

  11. I am SUCH a beach bum!

    Great website by the way! Loving it!



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