
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Busy Body!

There’s a reason that busy is in the name of my blog!  I have been crazy busy over the past week!  Last weekend was an epic bachelorette party with lots of wine, dancing, and celebrating.  Sunday was full of Father’s Day festivities including a turkey club feast, followed by a family afternoon nap, ending with ice cream for dinner.  This week has been go, go, go!  Every night has been completely dedicated to prepping for a giant block party at our house this Saturday!  I’m so excited for the party, but it’s also a lot of work.  I worked up a serious sweat mowing our hilly yard in the 95 degree heat yesterday!

Some link love:

  • I was featured in SkinnyRunner’s reader roundup!
  • Can someone please do this to my hair?
  • Do you like cartoons?  How about dogs?
  • Have you guys heard of the movie Moonrise Kingdom?  I just heard of it tonight and I need to see it!

Well, time for bed!  Just in case setting up for a party wasn’t enough, I also have a surprise deadline at work.  Eyes on the prize, Saturday here I come!

Anything good on the internet lately?

1 comment:

  1. I went to the link about the dogs... I was sitting at my desk at work, reading, and I was laughing so much I had tears! The illustrations are hilarious!


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