
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saturday in the City

For Vday and our Anniversary, Dave got me some tickets to see my favorite band.  Since we were already headed into the city, we decided to make a whole day of it.  We started out at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  Dave hadn't been in years and it was my first time!  And Devon came to join us!  There was a lot of art that I loved, some of it was simply breathtaking.  And then some of it was not my cup of tea... a lot of the abstract art was lost on me and honestly I couldn't look at another serious religious painting.  And if you ever head to the art museum, take a few minutes to stand outside and laugh at all the people that do the Rocky dance when they get to the top... aka every single person that climbs the stairs!

My pictures don't really do the art justice, especially the paintings, but I'd definitely recommend going to check out the museum!

Our next stop was a small spot in Northern Liberties called North Third.  The decor was funky and the food was tasty.  And so were the cocktails hehe.

After trying to battle our food comas, we headed over to our last stop, the Electric Factory to see Dr. Dog!  They are my favorite band.  They're from Philly, been around for a few years, but never got super popular on the radio, which I'm sorta not that sad about.  I've seen them four times now and they never disappoint!  I didn't bring my camera into the concert, but Dave snapped this one on his phone.

I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Have you been to any art museums lately?  Seen any good concerts?


  1. I love the Asian room and the weaponry room at the museum. They always yell at me when I try and snap pics of paintings...sneaky hehe! Glad you had a great weekend <3

    1. They allow you to take pictures now, just no flash! I took a ton of pics... no harassment hehe.

  2. What a fun weekend! I haven't been to any concerts lately, but I love them, so your most gave me a little inspiration to look for some upcoming concert tickets! :)


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