
Monday, March 19, 2012

Half Marathon Training: Week 11

Week 11:
- Monday, better than nothing arms & abs workout
- Tuesday, 3.70 mi in a close by development, 40:01
- Wednesday, 5.01 mi in the park, 57:26
- Friday, 2.04 mi with Dave, 21 mins
- Sunday, 3.03 mi in the park, 33:15, 15 minute dog walk
- Total Mileage = 13.75 mi

Goals for week 11:
- Run 4 times: A+
- Arms & abs twice: D

Well I got my 4 runs in this week.  I really didn't want to run Friday or Sunday but Dave helped me out with some motivation!  I was really excited about getting 4 runs in 2 weeks in a row... but now I have super sore shins.  Womp womp!  I think it could be adding too many miles too quickly, running too many hills, or possibly the result of some drunk jogging (to the train on Saturday) in crappy shoes.  Maybe it's a combo of everything, I don't know.  Right now I'm just praying that the soreness will go away soon and I won't be plagued with shin splints!

My plan of action, some good old RICE!
- I will decide how must rest I need by listening to my body.  I'm trying to decide if running 4 days a week is actually in my best interest in general.  Maybe I just need to trade a day for some cross training.
- I haven't done any icing yet, but some people swear by it, so I'm in.
- I just put on a pair of my tallest (fairly tight) socks.  I intend on buying a real pair of compression sleeves or socks in the near future!
- Elevation, lay around with my feet up?  You don't have to twist my arm!
- I've also been doing and will continue to do lots of stretching and foam rolling.

I'm pretty frustrated, but I am learning what works and what doesn't and hopefully this doesn't set me back too long.  We'll see!

Other thoughts from the week:
- I need to really start considering what I'm eating before I run.  Burping up Chipotle while running 3 miles is not a good time!
- With the weather being so ridiculous warm for March, I think I need to start carrying water with me.  I'm finding myself wishing I had some, when I didn't really think about it before.

Goals for week 12:
- Treat my shin splints & purchase a pair of compression sleeves or socks
-  Workout 5 times this week (running or not), I don't really want to make running goals when I know it may be better to rest... we'll see.

Have you ever had shin splints?  How did you deal?


  1. Def ice after! And how are you stretching before? A lot of shin/ankle problems are caused by not doing "active" stretching before- I'll let runner's world cover that one,7120,s6-241-287--13442-0,00.html

    Or new kicks never hurt?
    You go glen coco!

    1. I definitely never do any active stretching, quite honestly I never do much of a warm up more than some walking so I'll have to try this out! Thanks for the link!

  2. I'm sorry you have shin splints! I've taken a month off with mine, and have been stretching, icing daily, wearing compression socks, and trying to elevate. And wearing supportive shoes... I hope you feel better very quickly and are back to running soon!

  3. Oh no - shin splints are terrible! Ice them - a lot! I made ice packs by freezing paper or Styrofoam cups of water in the freezer and then using them as ice packs to rub on my shins. However, taking time off is really the best key, but if you want to keep going, stretch really well and ice them after every run or workout!

  4. I hope your shins feel better soon! Icing always helped me when I struggled with that.

  5. OMG, I had to laugh at you burping up Chipotle while running!

    I used to get shin splints in high school when I was a sprinter - before meets and practice I'd get my shins taped, and at night, I filled small dixie cups with water and let them freeze, then would fold back the top of the cup and holding on, rub the ice directly to my shin splints.

    I eventually out grew it. Mostly because I gained 70 pounds when I stopped being an athlete - ha!

  6. Amber I find it so inspiring you are doing this half marathon! I could never do this (I am SO NOT a runner)!! I'm so proud of you! Awesome seeing your updates on how you are doing too =) Dinner soon please!
    <3 Kait

  7. Hey, rockin' runner :) Not sure if I shared this already, but I've been doing this (or a similar) stretching session post-run most days and I love it- . Enjoy :) Also, I'm so excited about the compression socks- we'll have to share reviews about them when they arrive! Are you planning to wear them while running, after running, or both?

    1. I'm not sure what my plan for the socks is yet!


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