
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Midweek Ramblings

I feel like I've been a bad blogger recently.  I haven't been taking pictures of anything lately and my blog posts have been few and far between.  So here's a rambling update!

I ran 4.75 miles today!  It's the second longest run I've done in my training so far.  The hills in Valley Forge are pretty killer, but I'm glad I'm doing them because I know that my half ends with a hill and I'm already dreading it.  I definitely think about the end of the half when I'm pushing through the pain on those hills!  I really wish I had brought my camera because the sunset was amazing, but I'm not really interested in carry anything extra while I'm running.  I've also been pressed for time and I've just been trying to get my run in before the sun goes down.  I'm super pumped for daylight savings this weekend.  Who doesn't love an extra hour of daylight after work?!  Maybe when the sun is setting later, I can get some snap shots after my run.

Dave and I are attending a prayer class at his church for Lent.  I wasn't sure how I felt about going but I've actually been enjoying it.  Tonight's topic was Prayer and Listening.  I honestly never thought about listening as a part of prayer, I always thought it was all about talking to God, asking for help, thanking Him for things.  But when the pastor started talking about a centering prayer aka sitting in silence for a period of time, focusing on what God has to say, using a word or image of your choice to refocus yourself when you get distracted (my word was peace and I pictured the sunset in the park), it made me think about the importance of meditation, regardless of how you feel about religion.  I think taking a few minutes out of your day to clear your mind, relax, and unplug is very important.  I want to add meditation to my daily routine, there are so many benefits and hopefully I can clear my mind enough to hear any messages God has to send to me.

Anyway, tomorrow is Thursday, which isn't bad, but it's not Friday!  I'm always living for the weekends.  At least tomorrow is supposed to be 70 degrees!  The weather has really been blowing my mind recently.  I do love snow, but I think I love the warm temps even more!  It has been sort strange though.  This seems like a distant memory...

One of the two snow dustings we got all winter, minus the weird Halloween blizzard.

Well I hope the rest of your week flies by :)

Do you meditate?


  1. Love this post :) Yay for your hilly run and for the prayer class. Crazy about the weather- I read that it might mean a more buggy spring/summer (I hope not, but it's probably true). I feel most meditative during Grandma Ruth's yoga classes, and really enjoy it, but I don't really meditate much on its own. Perhaps I should? The 1/2 is coming! Eek :)

    1. Yeah, there was a bunch of bugs in my face when I was running yesterday... not looking forward to it haha!

      The half is definitely coming, I'm trying not to freak! Haha.

  2. I love your random posts :-) B and I felt the same way about our premarital class at Calvary but we always come out of it feeling better and more focused. I think it's so important to share faith with those you love. I need to meditate more haha I'm so high strung.

  3. Hey Amber! I think meditation is a big part of prayer. It's important for us to get away from everything else and listen for God's voice. It can be hard to do with so many distractions and lack of time, but it is so important and has so many benefits! Thanks for the reminder :) Have a great day!

  4. Congrats on a good long run! I don't meditate but it has been suggested to me for my migraines! :) Hope you are having a good week!


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