
Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 New Year's Resolutions

Here we are, January 2nd.  This whole week, the blog world has been buzzing with everyone's New Years Resolutions. Honestly I can't even remember if I made any resolutions last year.  I'm looking forward to documenting them in ye old blog this year, so I can easily look back to see what my goals are and track my progress along the way.

  • Run 6 races throughout the year
    • I've been eyeing up some races in the Spring.  I think training for specific events will be more motivating than just saying I should probably go workout.
  • Run a half marathon!
    • I've run 5K distances before, but I really want to challenge myself!  I believe this goal is obtainable but I will really have to commit to my training plan.  I'm looking at the ODDyssey Half Marathon in Philly on May 26th.  More about this in another post!
  • Workout at least three times a week
    • This will be easy during my half training, but I will have to work at it for the rest of the year.
  • Eat less meat
    • I want to learn to make more vegetarian entrees and change up some meaty meals using some portabellos or homemade veggie patties.
  • Eat more whole foods, less processed junk
    • I will get rid of processed junk foods and prep fruit and veggies for easy snacks.
  • Eat more veggies and fruit
    • I will continue to try new varieties and find new ways to incorporate them into my meals
  • Eat less cheese
    • I'm addicted to cheese!  I need to cut back!  I will try things I normally eat cheese on without, and try to use less in my cooking.
  • Stop snoozing my alarm, get up the first time it goes off
    • I am the worst at this.  Sometimes I snooze for an entire hour when I either could've got up and done something, or I could've actually gotten a good hour of sleep.
  • Be more productive at work
    • I need to keep my focus at my new job and show them why they hired me.
  • Take another grad class
    • I've taken three so far and my new company pays for one a year, so I might as well fit one in.
  • Create a budget and save money
    • I need to map out all of my expenses and figure out how much money I can save a month while still paying my bills and school loans.
  • Give the blog a more permanent makeover
    • The blog has been changing with the seasons and I really need to upgrade the layout to something more professional and classic.

Well there they are.  I'm super pumped for 2012, yay for a fresh start!

What are your New Year's Resolutions?


    1. I am so excited for a new year of healthy living with you! How many more grad classes do you have left?

    2. Ooh I like your resolutions! Excited to see them pan out! :-)

    3. Oh and did you ever watch Food Inc.? I saw it over the weekend and some of the commentary reminded me of this post here and also our brief convo at the Winetober fest. I recommend watching it if you haven't already - will help to motivate you with some of your resolutions!

    4. H - I have 7 grad classes left. I really don't know when I'll ever be done, but I'm going to keep chipping away haha.

      Jo - I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, but I really want to! I've heard it's very eye opening.


    Every comment makes me smile, so keep 'em coming!