
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some venting & some yoga.

Things I Hate:

1.  Struggling on a cardio machine at a high resistance while watching the person next to me zoom away at no resistance.  I know I'm getting a better workout, but still annoying.

2.  Hurricane Irene rolling in to ruin my bday weekend at the beach.

3.  Putting away laundry.

4.  Packing & unpacking.

5.  How quickly my phone battery dies.

6.  Applying for jobs.

7.  Randomly heading into a crabby mood.

On the flip side, I got myself back to the gym today for some abs, lunges, and some time on the arc trainer.  I'd been on a slight hiatus and it felt great to go back.  My goal for tomorrow is to head to the gym in the a.m., spend some time on the treadmill and do arms.  I need to stay on track, I hate falling off the wagon!  I also did some living room yoga today after cheer practice.  I love stretching but never really got into yoga, so I googled the 26 Bikram poses and shabam.  It was a good starting point, although I was definitely missing the meditation/relaxation portion since I was doing it in my living room in front of the tv, but a girl's gotta start somewhere!  I definitely want to expand my yoga knowledge and experience.  I need to enlist my sis, she definitely knows a thing or two.

Do you like to do yoga?  Have you ever gone to an organized class?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Double Date in NYC

Hello blog world... this post is way overdue but better late than never!  Two Saturdays ago Jes, Brett, Dave, and I took the train into New York City for the day to continue Jes's birthday celebration.  We had a blast!  We checked out the World Trade Center construction, played in Times Square, sat in ridiculously good seats at the Yankees game, and ate some delicious sushi at a restaurant called Haru.  Here's our epic day in pictures!



Random Updates:
  • This past weekend was Folk Fest, but you won't see any pics because I believe what happens at Folk Fest stays at Folk Fest hehe.  We had a great time, despite the sideways rain and having to hold down our canopy so it didn't blow away during the storms!  Our camp site keeps getting better every year and I'm already looking forward to next year!
  • The position I interviewed for two weeks ago is currently on hold because the projects the position will be working on are on hold, so I'm still waiting, but still in the running.
  • My birthday is next week!  This weekend we are doing a Cape May weekend with some friends to celebrate.  Afterward I'll be coming back home for the week for cheer practice and then headed right back down for Labor Day weekend.  I can't believe summer is almost over!
  • Cheerleading is consuming my life!  It takes a lot to choreograph a routine but I love it.
Hope you're all having a great August.  I need to get back into some kind of posting routine!  Perhaps keeping the posts more short and sweet would make it easier.  We'll see!

What's your favorite city to visit?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sun & Seacrets

Oh my, so many things to blog about, not enough time or motivation.  Two weekends ago I went to Rehoboth Beach, DE and Ocean City, Maryland for my bestie, Jes's birthday.  It was the two of us and her boyfriend, Brett.  His dad got us some rooms in Rehoboth and I got a whole king size bed to myself!  (Dave was on a fishing trip.)

Friday night we got there and just enjoyed some cocktails in the room.  We wanted to lay low so we could get an early start on Saturday.  Boy did I!  I woke up to see the sunrise out my window.

Then I went straight back to bed!  We got up at a more reasonable hour, hit up the hotel's awesome complimentary breakfast (hello eggs, sausage, sausage gravy and biscuits, and pancakes - not your typical free hotel bfast), and then headed to the beach.  I'd never been to Rehoboth before, it was pretty cute.  The boardwalk offered some good eats, we didn't have to pay to go on the beach, and the weather was beautiful.


After we went back to shower, we caught the bus to Ocean City, Maryland.

An hour later, we arrived and prepared for an epic seafood buffet feast at Phillips.

Then we were headed to Seacrets.  I'd never been there before and let me tell you, it's ridiculous!  We got there just in time to see all the day drinkers reaching their peak.  When we arrived, I immediately felt overdressed (aka not in a bathing suit) and overly sober!  After a few cocktails and more people in real clothing arriving, we settled in just fine.

The night ended with us tearing it up on the dance floor.  We had a blast!

Sunday was fairly uneventful, it was super humid and we mostly just wanted to go home and relax so we cut our day short and headed home. 

This past weekend was another trip to celebrate Jes's birthday, but there will be a whole post dedicated to that, it definitely deserves it!  Sorry for the wait between posts!

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Swim, Hike, Enjoy

The best part of being unemployed is getting to spend my days outside.  My Tuesdays have been spent here hanging with Nicole, working on my tan.

And enjoying the butterflies.

On Wednesday Puddin' and I got out to enjoy the cool weather before the rain.  Temperatures in the 70s never felt so good.

I love that Dave lives directly next to Valley Forge National Park.  It's so beautiful.  I love hiking through all the nature, it's a great workout with a beautiful background.  Please enjoy Puddin's photo shoot in the park (and yes I found my camera)!


Puddin' is quite the little explorer and the park was so empty during the day (since it was only a matter of time before it started raining), so she got the treat of wandering off the leash, which also made for better pictures!  Usually she's not that lucky, some people are really funny about her since she's a pit... if they only knew how much she just wanted to cuddle with them.

Anyway this weekend involves celebrating my bestie Jes's birthday in Rehoboth, DE and Ocean City, MD!  And I have an interview on Tuesday, woot!  Have a great weekend :)

What's your favorite outdoor spot?  Do you like hiking?