
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Double Date in NYC

Hello blog world... this post is way overdue but better late than never!  Two Saturdays ago Jes, Brett, Dave, and I took the train into New York City for the day to continue Jes's birthday celebration.  We had a blast!  We checked out the World Trade Center construction, played in Times Square, sat in ridiculously good seats at the Yankees game, and ate some delicious sushi at a restaurant called Haru.  Here's our epic day in pictures!



Random Updates:
  • This past weekend was Folk Fest, but you won't see any pics because I believe what happens at Folk Fest stays at Folk Fest hehe.  We had a great time, despite the sideways rain and having to hold down our canopy so it didn't blow away during the storms!  Our camp site keeps getting better every year and I'm already looking forward to next year!
  • The position I interviewed for two weeks ago is currently on hold because the projects the position will be working on are on hold, so I'm still waiting, but still in the running.
  • My birthday is next week!  This weekend we are doing a Cape May weekend with some friends to celebrate.  Afterward I'll be coming back home for the week for cheer practice and then headed right back down for Labor Day weekend.  I can't believe summer is almost over!
  • Cheerleading is consuming my life!  It takes a lot to choreograph a routine but I love it.
Hope you're all having a great August.  I need to get back into some kind of posting routine!  Perhaps keeping the posts more short and sweet would make it easier.  We'll see!

What's your favorite city to visit?


  1. That sushi restaurant looks lovely. Yay for (almost) birthday twins. I wish Waretown and Cape May were closer because B and I will be down too! xoxo

  2. PS- I really want to visit Chicago :-)


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