
Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Summer Summertime...

...time to sit back and unwind.  Yes, I'm totally quoting Will Smith's summer anthem hehe.

This weekend was packed full of friends and fun.  The weekend kicked off with an amazing Friday night.  I took Dave ziplining at Spring Mount.  It was the final event of his two week birthday celebration (we better celebrate my birthday for that long at the end of August!) and it was awesome.

The course included eight ziplines, a bunch of challenging rope bridges, and a race up a cargo net (I beat Dave hehe).  The longest zipline was 340 feet and I did it upside down!  It was such a great experience, very exhilarating.  Afterwards we hung out at the Tiki Bar there with a huge group of friends who came to surprise Dave.  One of the really cool things about the Tiki Bar is that you can grill your own kabobs. We had some shrimp, bacon wrapped scallops, and even tried some gator!  It was very tasty.

The rest of the weekend was filled up with hanging pool side, a housewarming gathering, a Chipotle date, and an afternoon of golf with my sister, Dave, and my dad.  I've been golfing since the summer of 2008, and this was by far the best I've ever golfed.  My grandparents would be so proud :)

Now for a week of fixing up my resume, starting the job hunt, and looking forward to the beach this weekend!

What's your favorite summertime activity?

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