
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mission Decorate!

Since I suddenly have all this free time on my hands, I decided it would be a great time to finally decorate my bedroom.  Michelle (my sister) and I switched rooms a few weeks ago (well more than a few).  We switched since I had the bigger room but I'm only home two or three times a week, most of the time I'm at Dave's.  I had absolutely no desire to spend time decorating this room.  But it's been a while now, I have the time, and my wall decorations were hanging out on the floor waiting to get stepped on and ruined.  Please forgive the mess I call my bedroom.

Checking out what I have and trying to organize.

Before - those things were just stuck on random hooks still on the wall.


One of my faves.

From Arts Fest at Penn State last year (wahhh to not going this year).


After - left of the window.



The room looks so much better and actually feels like MY room now.  I still have a bit of organizing left to do (and I really should've painted), but the decorations have really made me like the room so much more.  Yay.

I made another green monster smoothie, this one way more green than the other two.  I put a lot more spinach in but it still tasted delicious!  I used a frozen banana, a peach (with the skin), some strawberries, a splash of coconut milk, some Stevia in the Raw, and some ice (no yogurt in this one).  If you haven't tried one of these yet, get on it!  They are fabulous.

Tomorrow we are leaving for another Cape May weekend.  The beach = love.  And the temperatures are supposed to be cooler down the shore then they are here.  Thank goodness.  Hope you have a great weekend.

Has decorating a space ever completely changed your feelings towards it?


  1. Definitely. Just hanging up a tapestry or two can change the feel of a whole room.

  2. Great decor! Love the first one from Venice Beach! Just read a GREAT tip from Lauren Conrad... I swap my pasta for spinach when I am trying to cut back on carbs. The idea is: keep everything else in the recipe the same and just make “the spinach swap.” Your green smoothie made me remember it!

  3. Nice work A! I need to get on that in my room. I have curtains and a multitude of frames waiting to be filled that stare at me on the daily. I like the way you arranged the pictures differently in each section. Have fun in Cape May, kiss the pup for me!

  4. I know I'm a little late on this - but I'm going to the grocery store tonight to start myself on this green movement!


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